The latest BP Podcast is up. You can listen on Libsyn, iTunes and Stitcher. Probably the easiest way to keep up the podcast since we don’t have a regular schedule is to subscribe at one of the links above.
This week Omar talks to poet Charles Cameron (who also runs the Zenpundit security blog and is something of a vagabond monk) and Professor Ali Minai (a professor of Electrical engineering who focuses on complex systems and artificial intelligence, but who is also a published Urdu poet, a numismatist and an all round rennaissance man)about the Glass Bead Game, poetry, Artifical intelligence and the (possible) decline of Western civilization. (My apologies for some syncing issues in the last quarter of the podcast, where my questions start before Ali or Charles have finished speaking)

PS: Razib Khan does all the editing and other electronic scut work on this site. Kindly chip in with whatever you can donate to his Patreon account and we can get some professional help for the editing and posting. Thanks
[…] don’t want to detract from Omar (Episode 8) and Razib’s excellent podcasts (Episode 7). Of course it would nice to see more of our […]
Question. What do your average patreon contributor pay a month? is $5 too little?
No. Some ppl do $1
Nothing is too little 🙂
Yes, I did not mean to imply that the Soviet regime (a terrible regime in every way, and very nasty towards writers, among others) was good to writers, just that the Russian PEOPLE seem to have had a powerful bond with their writers (poets and non-poets alike); it was common Russians who did not want to throw out Turgenev’s furniture.