MH-370 signals (1300 sq km wide, 6.5 km deep)

The hunt for the black box recorder goes on, now concentrated on a Los Angeles size area in the Indian Ocean.

It is one level of miracle to pin-point the pings (which are due to be switched off any time now, there is a grace period of about 10 days) and quite another (impossible) challenge to retrieve the recorder from extreme depths (worst case scenario: it is in a trench 5800m deep).

Australian aircraft picked up a new underwater signal on Thursday while
searching the same part of the Indian Ocean where earlier sounds were
detected that were consistent with an aircraft’s black boxes.

If confirmed, this would be the fifth underwater signal detected in the
hunt for Flight 370, which vanished on March 8 while flying from Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia, to Beijing, with 239 people aboard.

Tuesday, the Australian vessel Ocean Shield picked up two underwater
sounds, and an analysis of two other sounds detected in the same general
area on Saturday showed they were consistent with a plane’s flight
recorders, or “black boxes.”


The Australian navy has been
dropping buoys from a P-3 Orion to better pinpoint the location of the
sounds detected by the Ocean Shield.

Royal Australian navy
commodore Peter Leavy said each buoy is dangling a hydrophone listening
device about 300 meters (1,000 feet) below the surface. Each buoy
transmits its data via radio back to the plane.

The underwater
search zone is currently a 1,300 square kilometre (500 square mile)
patch of the ocean floor, and narrowing the area as small as possible is
crucial before an unmanned submarine can be sent to create a sonar map
of a potential debris field on the seabed.

The Bluefin 21 sub
takes six times longer to cover the same area as the pinger locator
being towed by the Ocean Shield, and it would take the vehicle about six
weeks to two months to canvass the underwater search zone, which is
about the size of Los Angeles. That’s why the acoustic equipment is
still being used to hone in on a more precise location, US navy Capt.
Mark Matthews said.

The search for floating debris on the ocean
surface was narrowed on Thursday to its smallest size yet — 57,900
square kilometers (22,300 square miles), or about one-quarter the size
it was a few days ago. Fourteen planes and 13 ships were looking for
floating debris, about 2,300 kilometers (1,400 miles) northwest of

A “large number of objects” were spotted on Wednesday,
but the few that had been retrieved by search vessels were not believed
to be related to the missing plane, the search coordination centre said.

locator beacons on the black boxes holding the flight data and cockpit
voice recorders have a battery life of about a month, and Tuesday marked
one month since Flight 370 disappeared. The plane veered off-course for
an unknown reason, so the data on the black boxes are essential to
finding the plane and solving the mystery. Investigators suspect it went
down in the southern Indian Ocean based on a flight path calculated
from its contacts with a communications satellite and analysis of its
speed and when it would have run out of fuel.

An Australian
government briefing document circulated among international agencies
involved in the search on Thursday said it was likely that the acoustic
pingers would continue to transmit at decreasing strength for up to 10
more days, depending on conditions.

Once there is no hope left of the Ocean Shield’s equipment picking up any more sounds, the Bluefin sub will be deployed. Complicating matters, however, is the depth of the seafloor in the
search area. The pings detected earlier are emanating from 4,500 meters
below the surface — which is the deepest the Bluefin can dive.

Williams said colleagues at the Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts had autonomous and remotely
operated underwater vehicles that will dive to 11 kilometers (36,100
feet), although they might not be equipped for such a search.

Underwater vessels rated to 6,500 meters (21,300 feet) could search the
sea bed of more than 90 percent of the world’s oceans, Williams said.
“There’s not that much of it deeper than six and a half kilometers,” he said.
Williams said it was unlikely that the wreck had fallen into the narrow
Diamantina trench, which is about 5,800 meters (19,000 feet) deep,
since sounds emanating from that depth would probably not have been
detected by the pinger locator.


Sir Jaguar

The honor is well deserved for a man who has helped save precious manufacturing jobs in the UK. A Persian doing business in India by making cars in the UK and selling them in China. Bravo!!!

Queen Elizabeth II on Thursday conferred the rank of Knight Commander
(KBE) on former chairman of the Tata group Ratan Tata.  The KBE is one of the highest honours given by the queen to civilians.

Ratan Tata was given the honour for his “services to UK/India relations, inward investment to the UK and philanthropy”.

The Tata group is highly popular in UK.
Iconic British car brands Jaguar and Land Rover became part of the Tata
group in 2008. The company employs over 16,000 people at its
manufacturing facilities in the UK, including 3,500 engineers at its two
product development centres. 

 Tata’s association with UK academia also dates back to the
establishment of the Sir Ratan Tata Department at the London School of
Economics. Subsequently called the Department of Social
Sciences, it was set up to research the causes of poverty. Its first
lecturer, Clement Attlee, went on to become the British prime minister
who gave India its independence and also set up the British National
Health Service
Tata has maintained close links with the London
School of Economics through a research collaboration with the Tata
Institute of Social Sciences.



Colbert is the new Letterman

A nice (well deserved) promotion but Colbert may have to tone down his lefty edginess and become more fair and balanced in order to appeal to a broader audience. We wish him good luck on his new gig!!!
CBS said on Thursday that Stephen Colbert will become the host of ‘The Late Show’ when David Letterman retires next year Colbert, who hosts “The Colbert Report” on the cable channel Comedy
Central, signed a five-year agreement with the network, CBS’ CEO Les
Moonves said in a statement.


21st century amrit (elixir of life)

Extend your life by 10% (while getting rid of arthritis). If the claims hold true then Glucosamine would become a household name similar to Prozac and Ritalin. Even the good doctor who ran the studies is taking the pill himself. So go ahead, be happy and take a daily table-spoon. You will thank us later (when you are attending the first birthday of your great grand-daughter).

New use: Glucosamine is normally used to treat arthritis

Finally, we would also like to fart in the general direction of Chinese millionaires who are destroying all flora and fauna with the motivation to extend their lives (and length of their Johnsons). Invest in medical science and keep your grubby mittens off the rhino and the tigers.
Ristow, of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, is one
of many scientists around the world hunting for an anti-ageing pill or

Ristow first showed that giving worms glucosamine extended lifespan by 5
per cent. He then gave the supplement to ageing mice in addition to
their usual diet. These animals lived 10 per cent longer than a second group which ate normally, the journal Nature Communications reported.

supplement, which can be bought in health food shops – in the form of a
powder or more expensive capsules – also appeared to ward off diabetes.
It is thought it lengthens life by switching the body’s energy  supply
from sugary carbohydrates to fat  and protein. Low-carbohydrate diets are known to have benefits to health including lowering weight, blood pressure and harmful blood fats.

two large-scale human studies, people who took glucosamine lived longer
than others – but Dr Ristow said more research is needed to prove its
effectiveness. He added: ‘This may be considered a valid option, and yes, I have started taking glucosamine myself.

‘There is no definite proof of the effectiveness of glucosamine in humans. 

the chances are good – and since unlike most other potentially
lifespan-extending drugs there are no known relevant side-effects of
glucosamine supplementation, I would tend to recommend this supplement.’

Dr Ristow advised people
should take a daily tablespoon of glucosamine powder, mixed in water, or
alternatively, 3g to 5g a day in capsule form.


Dog fight dog days for Indian Mujahideen

This is a real dilemma, the (attack) dogs are raring to march to the western front to be part of the all-conquering future Emirate but the ISI babus want to focus on the eastern front. There is always the danger that if frustration boils over the dogs can turn on their masters.
….The current chief, Riyaz Bhatkal, who has
almost been sidelined by the Pakistan’s intelligence agency (ISI), and
his own men, became so frustrated that he began terming the ISI
officials as ‘dogs’ during his conversations.

ISI officials complained that the
IM cadres were interested in getting trained in Afghanistan and fight
alongside al-Qaida, which they didn’t like.

Over this issue,
ISI badly treated Riyaz, the chat messages, retrieved by the police,
stated. “Yeh sunnuu (meas dogs in Nawayati, a local language spoken in
Karnataka’s Bhatkal village) kabhi bhi chale aate hain aur pareshan
karte hain,” Riyaz wrote to Yasin.

During one of the
yahoo messenger chats with an IM operative, Afeef on May 22, 2013, Yasin
learned a discomfort was growing within the IM over the leadership.
Most of the IM cadres wanted to join fight in Afghanistan against Nato
forces while Riyaz’s decisions were restricted by the ISI which does not
want IM to tie up with al-Qaida.

“Afeef mentioned that he was
not bothered of Riyaz’s decision to not sending him to Afghanistan, but
Farhan, Saleem, Sultan, Shafi and Salim Ishaqui (all IM operatives, now
based in Pakistan) were also demanding to send them to the battle field
in Afghanistan. Afeef had asked Riyaz to leave the chairman’s post and
to give opportunity to Sultan so that all the members could get together
for work under a new commander. 
 Afeef mentioned that Riyaz always cited
‘technical problems’ whenever they spoke about joining al-Qaida and
handing over the outfit’s reign in other hands,
however, Afeef felt the
main ‘technical problem’ was Riyaz himself. Yasin stated that he was
afraid of some action against them by the ISI over their internal
disputes,” the NIA charge-sheet stated.


Taliban condemns Baloch terrorism

It would be a brilliantly ironic joke if the circumstances were not so utterly tragic.

Shahidullah Shahid, Pakistani Taliban spokesman,
said, “It’s tragic that innocents have been killed in attacks on public
places. Such attacks are ‘haram’ (unlawful).”

least 23 people were killed and nearly 120 injured when a powerful bomb
went off at a crowded marketplace in Islamabad early on Wednesday. The
deadliest bombing occurred at a wholesale fruit and vegetable market of
Pakistan’s capital on the edge of its twin city, Rawalpindi.

The attack was claimed by United Baloch Army, a little known
militant group seeking separation from the Pakistani state. “We carried
out the attack in reaction to the continuous military offensives against
us in our homeland,” said an outfit’s spokesman.

said the blast sent boxes of fruit and vegetables flying and left a deep
crater at the site. Police cordoned off the area and started search
operation. “It was an act of terrorism,” said a police office, adding
that the explosives were planted in a box of fruit and may have been
detonated remotely.

The dead and wounded were rushed to nearby
hospitals in Islamabad and Rawalpindi. “So far, we received 19 dead and
54 injured in the hospital,” said Dr Aisha Eisani, the spokeswoman for
the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) in Islamabad. “Almost
all the injured and deceased are adult males, with many exhibiting head
injuries. The bodies have been shifted to the mortuary and preserved,”
she added.

In an email statement
sent to reporters, Shahidullah Shahid, Pakistani Taliban spokesman,
said, “It’s tragic that innocents have been killed in attacks on public
places. Such attacks are ‘haram’ (unlawful).” Shahidullah claimed hidden
elements were responsible for the recent acts of violence in Islamabad
and Baluchistan. “The TTP remains committed to its ceasefire,” he said.

However, inside sources revealed there was intense rivalry within the
ranks of TTP over the issue of the ongoing talks with the government.
The group opposing talks associates itself with slain Taliban chief
Hakimullah Mehsud while the pro-dialogue group is represented by Khan
Said Sajna, a senior Taliban commander considered one of the top
contenders for the post of TTP chief after the death of Hakimullah


(mis)marriage for Mrs Modi

What is wrong with marriage? An ordinary man may become distracted and lose focus, but a Great Man should have no such misgivings.

What is wrong with having a good woman by your side? Usually it is the Ceasar’s in-laws that create most of the problems. Look at the first dynasty and the mad mango man (son-in-law).

Who is the ideal man? We expect a man to always stand by his wife. For life. Even the most perfect man (Ram) had erred grievously when he abandoned his wife (Sita). It is acknowledged that the man (as a minor) did not have a say in the nuptials (but neither did the woman) however once you have said the vows you have no choice but to honor them. 

If you treat your wife dishonorably how will you treat (Mother) India?
at 17 to a bride about his age, BJP’s PM candidate Narendra Modi has
admitted for the first time under oath that he has a wife.

his nomination form for the Vadodara Lok Sabha seat, which he filed amid
much fanfare on Wednesday, he entered the name of Jashodaben as his
wife. She is a retired school teacher in Brahmanwada, a village about
35km from Modi’s hometown, Vadnagar.

Now 63, the former RSS
pracharak had left the column blank in the last four state assembly
elections in 2001, 2002, 2007 and 2012. This was first openly challenged
in pamphlets distributed by Congress in January 2001 when Modi
contested the by-election to the Rajkot-2 assembly seat, three months
after becoming Gujarat CM.

His opponents hope that this
disclosure will dent his popularity among women who might empathize with
Jashodaben, whom he never returned to after two weeks of their

The declaration is reported to have come after strict
legal advice that he come clean on the marriage which, his family
members say, was never consummated.

As per the Representation
of the People Act, 1951, every candidate is required to declare even
assets held in the name of the spouse. In his nomination form, Modi has
said he has no information about Jashodaben’s income, IT returns and PAN

The Supreme Court in November last year had refused
to entertain a PIL accusing Modi of leaving the column on marital status
blank in the nomination papers for the Maninagar assembly seat in 2012.


Muslim Brahmin axis rides high (on elephant back)

Brahmins (210), Muslims (19), SCs (17)!!!

One group has ruled India for a few centuries. The other group has been the social leaders for many more centuries.

Now the (dalit) Rani riding high on her elephant is graciously offering them (more than a fair share) a seat at the high table, provided she is made the high priest. The pyramid is inverted and a giant leap for social evolution!!!

This rainbow coalition must be driving the caste-hustlers nuts.
Lok Sabha election, the elephant will seek to trample the opposition
with the power of Muslim-Brahmin combination. In a tactical shift,
Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) supremo Mayawati on Thursday decided to give a
larger chunk of seats to Brahmins (21) and Muslims (19) in comparison
to what she did in 2009 Lok Sabha election, when 20 Brahmins and 14
Muslims got the BSP ticket.
The higher allocation of seats to the two
communities has thus decreased the number of OBCs, who are ostensibly
being wooed by both Samajwadi Party and the Bharatiya Janata Party.

The move to give more seats to Muslims is seen as an attempt to woo the
community in the wake of west UP riots that claimed the lives of around
60 people, ostensibly from the minority. The lesser number of seats
allocated to OBCs is seen also as a shrewd move of Mayawati given the
fact that the community is already divided between SP and BJP. The BSP
chief also decided to field 17 SCs, eight Thakurs and seven women


Poor or Backward? (that is the question)

Option one: Reservations for everybody (already many political parties have floated the concept of reservations for economically lagging forward castes) as per political calculations (which are by necessity big tent- you cant win on the back of any one community, while simultaneously polarizing others) and held to strict scrutiny by the Courts.

Option two: Reservations for low income (low wealth). This way only poor people benefit from reservations. It will be difficult to argue that poor people of all classes are not equally deserving. After all, this is a principle which is already accepted in Option One.

The difference between the two is not expected to be significant, except the caste factor will be blunted in the second case. It may be also a clear cut way of introducing reservations for Muslims. 

Instead what we have is a bloody mess involving various communities fighting amongst themselves to prove how backward and how deserving they are. This only sharpens the caste factor and amplifies grievance and puts people in various (permanent) boxes. For greedy, grubby politicians- what is not to like?

Supreme Court on Wednesday rejected a plea to stay Centre’s poll-eve
notification to include the Jat community in the OBC list for providing
the benefits of reservation, saying there are prima facie material for
taking the decision.

Senior advocate K K Venugopal, appearing for OBC Reservation Raksha
Samiti — an organisation of members of communities which are included in
the central list of Backward Classes, alleged that the March 4
notification was issued a day before the model code of conduct (MCC)
came into force and it was done by the party in power to garner votes.

However, the bench said it cannot come in the way of the government taking a decision a day before the MCC came into force. “Government is a government. We can’t say, you can’t do. Till one day
before (the MCC), they can take a decision,” the bench said.

Venugopal submitted the party in power took the decision for private gain.

On April 1, the apex court had asked the Centre why it allegedly
ignored the advice of the National Commission for Backward Classes
(NCBC) to keep the Jat community away from reservation benefits.

The court had also said that “the matter is serious” and had directed
the ministry of social justice and empowerment to place before it all
the material, records and files pertaining to the decision, to see
“whether there was application of mind or not” while issuing the March 4

The notification included Jat community in OBC
list in Bihar, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh,
Delhi, Rajasthan (two districts of Bharatpur and Dholpur), Uttar
Pradesh, and Uttarakhand.

OBC Reservation Raksha Samiti in its
plea had contended that as a result of the notification, Jats will be
like a “creamy layer” in the OBC list and will take away the seats and
posts in schools, colleges and government jobs from other community.

The petitioners,
referring to several empirical studies and survey, have contended that
Jat community being a socially forward caste will consume substantive
portion of the quota of OBC reservation which will deprive the deserving
people of other backward classes of the benefit of reservation.

They submitted that people of Jat community have performed much better
than those of other castes and the number of those who have been
selected in the prestigious civil services exam of UPSC is much higher
than the number proportionate to their population.


Red planet beckons

Mausi Mars (Mangal) is coming closer and closer to Ammi Earth (Prithvi). There is no need to pack your emergency gear (yet), she is 92 mil km away!!!

In the meantime the pride of Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) the Mangal Yaan which left Earth on November 05, 2013 and has crossed the half-way point as of Wednesday, April 09, 2014 at 0950 hrs (Indian Standard Time).

The D-day (Mars insertion step) is September 24, 2014. Watch this space for updates.

“On Wednesday at 9:50am, India’s Mars Orbiter Spacecraft crossed the
half-way mark of its journey to the red planet along the designated
helio-centric trajectory,” the Indian Space Research Organisation said
in a statement.

India’s Deep Space Network, aided by NASA, has
been tracking the orbiter since its launch and six orbit raising
manoeuvres after which it left the Earth orbit on December 1 last year.

Through six orbit raising
exercises, scientists have brought the apogee (the spacecraft’s farthest
point from Earth) from the initial 25,000 km to 1,92,000 km.

As the spacecraft goes through the spheres of influence of the Sun and
Mars, four trajectory correction manoeuvres (TCMs) were planned to keep
it on course. Originally the TCMs were planned in April, August and
September, 2014.  The Mars orbiter insertion will be carried out on
September 24, 2014.

If all goes fine, MOM will study a range of
things including early signs of life or supporting system on the red
planet and its atmosphere through five indigenous instruments or for at
least five months.

India is among an elite club of nations to
take up interplanetary probes. Of the 51 Mars missions by the US and
Russia/ USSR, only 21 had been successful. Fourteen days after India’s
MoM, the US launched a similar mission, MAVEN, which is also on its way
to the red planet.


Brown Pundits