Who killed Philip Marshall (and why) ?

Feb 09, 2013. Philip Marshall an ex-DEA agent was killed off (along with his children and dog) perhaps because of his interesting theories about 9/11 and the Osama asassination.

We really have no opinion on this matter (except that the whole thing stinks), it is for others to decide how much smoke is permissible before they shout- fire!!!
Phillip Marshall, a former airplane pilot and author whose works included the 2003 novel “Lakefront Airport,”  – “False Flag 911: How Bush, Cheney and the Saudis Created the Post-911 World (08)” and “The Big Bamboozle: 9/11 and the War on Terror,” a 2012 publication in which Marshall theorized it wasn’t al-Qaida but rather U.S. and Saudi government officials who orchestrated 9/11,
was found dead along with his two children in their Murphrys-area home
in California. Reports indicate all 3 died of gunshot wounds.

A possible motive for the shootings has not been determined but police reports indicated evidence that it was a murder suicide.

According to his Amazon author bio: Philip Marshall, a veteran airline captain and former government
“special activities” contract pilot, has authored three books on Top
Secret America, a group presently conducting business as the United
States Intelligence Community. 

Beginning with his role in the 1980s as a
Learjet captain first as part of a Drug Enforcement Administration
(DEA) sting on Pablo Escobar, and later in the covert arming of the
Nicaraguan Contras,
Marshall has studied and written 30-years worth of
covert government special activities and the revolving door of Wall
Street tricksters, media moguls, and their well funded politicians. 

Marshall asserts that the Saudi government was the true executioners of
the 9/11 attack and framed their enemies while CIA special operations
set up an elaborate decoy named Osama bin Laden to divert attention away
from the Saudi operation.
He follows the hijackers to flight training
airports and finds that Saudi agents led the hijackers to the Arizona
desert where Boeing 757 and Boeing 767 airliners were parked at a
secluded CIA operated airport. The operators of the CIA airport were
traced to suspicious insider stock trades on two airlines, United
Airlines and American Airlines, the only two airlines used in the 9/11
attack. Marshall breaks down the tactical flight plan that was used by
the hijackers and chronicles the actions of Condoleezza Rice, Donald
Rumsfeld, Saudi Arabian Prince Bandar bin Sultan, Dick Cheney and George
W. Bsuh to learn that their account of the attack was severely flawed. 

CIA spokesman Preston Golson wrote in an email Tuesday: “We’re unaware of any information that would substantiate Mr. Marshall’s claims.”

A Facebook page for “The Big Bamboozle”
showed posts as recent as January 31 with titles like, “WHAT IS THE
and posts about the Bin Laden assassination having been faked.

“PICTURES PAINT A THOUSAND WORDS,” read one such Facebook post from
Marshall about photographs of the assassinated Al Qaeda leader. “Since
bin Laden died in 2001, these would be “alleged” photos of bin Laden.
Give us a break.”



(Tata) Car Of The Year (COTY)

The Jaguar F-type V8 S is quite possibly the most beautiful (useless) car that money can buy.
Also, the $92K base price is not really chump change, but we expect that it will not unduly worry BPites.

You are riding a Tata car, and it is better than roadsters from Mercedes and BMW (see review below). Aamchi Mumbai which hosts Bombay House – the famous bridge of the Tata ship- will be proud.

Background on Bombay House [ref. Wiki]: Bombay House (Tata Sons HQ: 24, Homi Mody Street Mumbai 400 001) is a historic privately owned building in Mumbai that serves as the head office of the Tata Group. The building is a four storey colonial structure built with Malad stone, and was designed by Scottish architect George Wittet, who later became the head of Tata Engineering and
Locomotive Company (TELCO), now Tata Motors.

The Tata Group is perhaps the only Indian corporate to name its
headquarters after a city where it started its journey.
Bombay House,
the global corporate HQ of the $ $106.34 -billion group. At that time,
the group ran four businesses-textiles, hotels, steel and power-under
the leadership of Sir Dorabji Tata, the elder son of group founder
Jamsetji Tata. It was from this Edwardian building that Dorabji Tata
diversified the portfolio into insurance, soaps, detergents and cooking
oil. And it is in this building where the first Indian airline was
conceptualised (1932) and where the largest global acquisition (Corus,
for $13 billion in 2007) by an Indian group was made.

Since its beginnings in the pre-Independence era, the group has come a
long way. It now has over 100 operating companies in seven business
sectors and sells everything from salt to software and tea to telecom.
It has businesses in more than 100 countries across six continents, and
its companies export products and services to 150 countries. Yet, all
key management decisions continue to be made at Bombay House, the bridge
of the ship.
The heritage building houses the office of chairman Cyrus
Mistry and all top directors of Tata Sons, the holding company.
companies of the group- Tata Motors, Tata Steel, Tata Chemicals, Tata
Power, Tata Industries and Trent-operate out of Bombay House.

Back to the car: It had been a long time since Jaguar built a sports car—some four
decades, in fact. This hiatus came after the company had produced the
SS100 in the 1930s, the XKs in the ’50s, and the E-Types in the ’60s and
into the ’70s. Does the F-Type—specifically the V8 S variant, a noisy
little rascal with a supercharged 495 hp V-8—represent Jaguar’s
triumphant return to the sports-car realm?

“It’s a ton of fun for the money,” said judge Scott
Kimple, “but I own an E-Type, and the design and styling [of the F-Type]
is not quite up to that.” Assessments of the F-Type vis-à-vis the
venerable E-Type are perhaps inevitable but unfair. Better to compare
the new Jaguar to its contemporaries. The F-Type will flatten the little
roadsters from Mercedes-Benz and BMW, the SLK and the Z4. But it cannot
lay a glove on the Porsche 911, except in a price war.
The Jaguar’s
suspension feels like marbles on a washboard, yet the 8-speed ZF gearbox
is as smooth and as quick as a Ferrari’s.


Configuration: Rear-wheel-drive convertible

Engine: 5-liter supercharged V-8

Transmission: 8-speed automatic

Power: 495 hp at 6,500 rpm

Torque: 460 ft lbs at 2,500 rpm

Curb weight: 3,671 pounds

Zero to 60 mph: 4.2 seconds

Top speed: 186 mph

Base price: $92,000


The “hospital of death”

Bidhan Chandra Roy (BC Roy) was a legendary doctor and politician (the first Chief Minister of Bengal after independence). It is beyond shocking that the modern state is unable to honour his memory by doing its level best to save infants, yet as the article explores, the rot in Bengal is as deep and wide as the Bay of Bengal.

The route to B.C. Roy
Memorial Hospital for Children in Kolkata is a pilgrimage nobody wants
to make.

The overburdened government hospital is West Bengal’s largest
pediatric care center, and after a series of high-profile deaths in
recent years, it has become a public symbol of India’s ongoing struggle
with infant mortality. But the story of B.C. Roy often portrayed in the
national media paints an incomplete picture. In fact, the hospital’s
case points to a larger system that is failing India’s newborns. 

The story of B.C. Roy, according to newspaper accounts, begins in
June 2011, when 18 babies died at the hospital over the course of two
days. The news was first reported locally, but the outrage spread beyond
Kolkata’s city limits. On national television, newscasters labeled B.C.
Roy a “hospital of death.”

Hoping to blunt a politically poisonous scandal before it spun out of
control, Mamata Banerjee, the state’s chief minister, or head of
government, who doubles as minister of home, health and family welfare,
established an inquiry into the infant deaths. Heading the inquiry was
Dr. Tridib Banerjee, a private practice pediatrician (who is of no
relation to Mamata Banerjee), and is known as the pediatrician to the
state’s wealthy and elite.

Dr. Banerjee created the High Level Task Force, comprised of a group
of health care professionals, to recommend things like the allocation of
new equipment, the hiring of new doctors, and anything else that might
prevent future incidents of infant mortality at the state’s many
government hospitals. As a result, the intensive care unit at B.C. Roy
was expanded, and carefully vetted hires were made.

But the worst was yet to come. In September, two years after adding
modern equipment that Banerjee assured me was “as good anyone would find
in the best American hospitals,” an astounding 41 babies died in the
span of six days. 

But the chances of another headline-grabbing story coming from B.C.
Roy are high. According to Dr. Banerjee, the shocking rate of infant
deaths experienced in September only represents an increase of about 20
percent over the regular rate at the hospital. In fact, it’s not
uncommon for B.C. Roy to lose four or five babies on consecutive days.

I visited B.C. Roy in February and spoke to parents of ailing babies.
One father, Sujiauddin Saji, a 23-year-old house painter, first took
his 4-month-old son Suraj to the local hospital in a district 30 miles
north of Kolkata to treat illnesses related to malnourishment.
The boy
developed severe hypothermia while at the local hospital, and the family
traveled to Kolkata looking for help. Members of the Saji family,
including Sujiauddin, camped out on the B.C. Roy lawn for five days,
waiting for the boy to be nursed back to health.

According to Dr. Banerjee, the hospital conditions in Saji’s
district, where his son caught hypothermia, are not even the worst in
the state. Banerjee toured the state’s peripheral hospitals in 2011, as a
response to the original media firestorm. The worst conditions he found
were at Burdwan University Medical Center, a place he called “worse
than a roadside toilet.”
He and other government officials have tried to
rescue Burdwan by recommending new equipment and more hospital beds.

Dr. B. Biswas, 34, an assistant professor at the medical college who
works in the hospital’s newborn intensive care unit, explained that
sometimes he has no choice but to advise parents to make the trip to
Kolkata and visit B.C. Roy. “Our patient loads are impossibly high,” he
explained. “We don’t have the space or the manpower to treat everyone
here who needs our help.”

“It’s better than nothing of course, but we have doctors working
24-hour shifts,” Biswas said. “A few machines can’t help us double or
triple our manpower.” Biswas explained that the bulk of his patient load
comes from primary health centers that are supposed to function as a
first response in villages here but are often unequipped to meet that

One such place is Block Primary Health Center in Barsul, a 15-minute
drive from Burdwan, where there are only two doctors serving a
population of roughly 150,000 people. Electricity at the Block Primary
Health Center goes out every few hours. That would theoretically be a
problem for performing complex surgeries, but the center’s lone
operating room has been boarded up for several months, sitting empty and
abandoned, collecting dust. But electricity issues are a problem for
delivering babies, and according to the doctor on duty that day, 350
babies are born per year at Block.

The hallways and toilets in Block are filthy, and most of the metal
beds in the maternity room are slanted or broken. Many of the babies
born here arrive malnourished or premature, making them immediately
susceptible to disease. When such babies are born, if one of the two
rented ambulances in the area is available to take them, they are then
dispatched to Burdwan in the hope that they can be saved. If Burdwan
can’t help, the babies are eventually sent to Kolkata for a last-ditch
effort to save a life. Too often, those efforts fail.



Mere paas Bhagwan hai!!

Dravida (Tamil) Nadu is all set for the mother of all battles. The D-day is 24 April, 2014.

The aged Napolean, MK Karunanidhi is waging his last campaign against the axis of evil-  the foreigner/brahmin Jayalalitha (has cunningly managed to hoodwink the Dravida masses), the ex-communicated son Alagiri (has vowed to create mischief in Madurai), and the Hindu-Hindi party (has attracted a few Vibhisanas- the infamous Ravana brother who collaborated with Ram to bring about the downfall of the Lankan kingdom).

The Met Office is predicting a final day thunder strike, a direct hit from Bhagwan Rajnikanth riding high on His mighty chariot. The coup-de-grace finagled on behalf of the Hindu Great Man (HGM) seems to be unduly cruel. The common man will now be voting with the assurance that victory (Delhi) is for the man who has God on his side.

Conducted in Month(s)
Polling Organisation/Agency
Aug–Oct 2013
Dec 2013-Jan 2014
Jan-Feb 2014
March 2014
March–April 2014
6 – 10
(In alliance)
15 – 21
10 – 16
(In alliance)

Modi, who is scheduled to address a public rally in Chennai on Sunday,
is expected to meet the actor earlier in the evening on arrival from
Hubli either in the airport lounge or at Rajnikanth’s residence at Poes

The encounter could impact the fortunes of the BJP-led
NDA alliance in Tamil Nadu. Though a senior BJP functionary described
the meeting as a “courtesy call”, the photo-op may seem an endorsement
to legions of Rajnikanth fans–the intersection between cinema and
politics in the state goes a long way back.

Before the 2004
election, Rajnikanth had issued a statement in support of AIADMK and
BJP, which was probably the only occasion when the normally reticent and
politically non-committal actor spoke up.



Samsung (plans) to drop Android

Does Samsung have the know-how to deliver a robust operating system? How about apps- do they feel they can learn (and improve) from the Microsoft experience? If true, then Samsung really will have demonstrated the confidence it takes to become a world technology leader.

The danger is that India is one of their largest markets (44 mil smartphones sales in 2013 up from 16 mil in 2012, 38% market share for Samsung) and the customers may prefer to stay with Android (they are already registering unhappiness with Samsung).

documents revealed today show how Samsung was looking at not only
itself and Apple but at competition from other Android device makers and
even Google.
– Samsung didn’t
see HTC and other Android device manufacturers as allies.
The documents
note HTC’s success at launching on major carriers simultaneously,
providing a consistent look and feel across its range of devices, and
building “carrier friendly, good enough” phones.
– Samsung noted
that its biggest internal problems were a weak brand and low quality.
emphasize these points, the documents note that carriers were more than
three times as likely to refer customers to an Apple device than to a
Galaxy phone and that there were more than 30 delayed Samsung product
launches in 2011 alone.
– While Samsung’s Galaxy phones rose to
prominence thanks to the Android ecosystem, the company has been
planning for years to ditch the platform for its own operating system as
soon as it can.

That last point could have an incredible impact on
the smartphone market.
Samsung sells more devices and makes more profit
than anyone else in the Android space, if any one company could develop a
competitor to Android and iOS, Samsung would be the company with the
resources and sales volume to do it.
 So far, Samsung has
only brought its open-source Tizen operating system to prototypes and
smartwatches. It’ll be interesting to see whether the South Korean giant
actually tries to to take on Google in the years to come.  

The biggest
hurdle the company would need to overcome is app availability: so far,
users seem to be wary of moving to new platforms with more limited
selections of app than what they can get on iOS and Android today.



Baby Musa is a free man

This news will be a major relief to his family, however the family members are alleging continuing harassment by the police (perhaps because they have been made to look foolish). The court should promptly take suo motu (sua sponte) action and provide immediate relief.  

That said the chances of the family getting justice are not good seeing that the honorable judge found it necessary to set a 50,000 bail for the baby. Seriously??

The lawyer of nine-month-old baby Mohammad Musa charged with attempted murder
withdrew the plea for bail on Saturday after police struck off the
baby’s name from the first information report (FIR), DawnNews reported.

expiry of the bail period, Musa was brought to a sessions court in
Lahore for the case’s hearing during which a police inspector informed
the family that the baby’s name was not registered with the police

Meanwhile, the court issued a show-cause notice to a policeman over what it called dereliction of duty.

Whereas, the policeman alleged that the baby brought in the court was not Musa.

Meanwhile, Musa’s family and their lawyers said the police was troubling them using various excuses.

On Feb 1, the
case was registered against members of a family (including baby Musa)
and dozens of other inhabitants of Muslim Town after they allegedly
attacked a bailiff and a raiding team of the Sui Northern Gas Pipelines
(SNGPL) after it went there to arrest people involved in gas theft.

The baby’s grandfather, Muhammad Yasin, and his three sons still face the charges.

judge had earlier granted confirmed bail to Musa against bail bonds
worth Rs50,000, but he had to appear before the court today.


Kabhi Khushi Bahut Gham

Sanjaya Baru the journalist who was also PM Man Mohan Singh’s Man Friday has published his tell-all book and it is damning in the extreme. His claims (if true) can be best illustrated by a (fictional) UPA-II theme song:

To summarize the claims: MMS was expected to just smile softly and shake a leg to the tune set by the Queen Bee while ignoring the thugs running away with the ATM in the background.

BTW this really was no surprise. The first family considers India to be a fully family owned and operated business (and so do an overwhelming number of Indian intellectuals as well as the entire foreign press and the Western diplomatic establishment). 
“The Accidental Prime Minister — The Making and Unmaking of Manmohan
Singh,” the book is by academic and journalist Sanjaya Baru, a former
media advisor to the current prime minister, who left his post in 2008.

the president of India’s ruling party is also premier. But Gandhi, who
led Congress to power in 2004 and 2009, turned down the job, fearing her
Italian birth would become an explosive political issue as Hindu
nationalists said her foreign origin made her unfit to rule India.

handpicked Singh for the job but Baru said Gandhi’s much hailed
“renunciation of power” was more a “political tactic than a response to a
higher calling”.

Baru said Singh decided early on to “surrender”
to Gandhi and quotes the premier as saying he had “to accept the party
president (Gandhi) is the centre of power”.

Critics have long
charged Gandhi held the reins of power in the Singh administration but
Baru’s book is the first by a close advisor to the prime minister to
make that claim.

In a strong criticism of the soft-spoken premier,
he said Singh “averted his eyes from corruption” to ensure his
scandal-tainted government’s “longevity”.

While Singh, 81, who
retires after this election, maintained the “highest standards of
probity in public life”, he “turned a blind eye to the misdeeds of his

Singh thought he could choose cabinet ministers but “he was defanged” as “Sonia nipped that hope in the bud”.

said Singh had little authority over his cabinet and a senior
bureaucrat would seek Gandhi’s “instructions on the important files to
be cleared by the PM”.



A rose by any other name…

Bollywood (re)naming ritual has a long history. Hemanta Kumar Mukhopadhyay (Hemant Kumar), Abhash Kumar Gangopadhyay (Kishore Kumar), Mahjabeen Bano (Meena Kumari), Mumtaz Jehan Begum Dehlavi (Madhubala), Fatima Rashid (Nargis Dutt)….. in most cases a simple sounding Hindi (Hindu) name will have done the trick.

Then came the next generation, pre-loaded with suitable (mononymous) names: Kajol (Mukherjee), Sonam (Kapoor), Rani (Mukherji) etc. For the rare outsider like Vidya (Balan) – our favorite lady – who has succeeded in gate crashing the (nepotism) fortress, the yukt-akshar (joined letters) does not roll easily off the tongue.

So far so good. But what is needed for an (very fair) English girl to turn into an Indian girl next door? Ayesha Shroff (Mrs Jackie Shroff) explains the transformation of a Turquotte into a (Ek Tha) Tiger:

Jackie Shroff’s wife Ayesha Shroff,
who produced Katrina’s debut film Boom, in a shocking interview to
Mumbai Mirror in 2011 was quoted saying, 

“Her passport says Turquotte.
We created an identity for her. She was this pretty young English girl,
and we gave her the Kashmiri father and thought of calling her Katrina
We thought we’d give her some kind of Indian ancestry, to connect
with the audience. Those times were different, now people are more

But then we thought that Kazi sounded too… religious? We were
to introduce her to the press and at that time, Mohammad Kaif was at
the top, and so we said, Katrina Kaif sounds really great. In fact, the
brochures for the press say Katrina Kazi. We passed that off saying, ‘Oh
that’s a printing mistake.”



Iran (1979). It was the best of times for dreamy eyed revolutionaries (and the worst of times for others). There were 52 american hostages who were terrorized for 444 days by the Muslim Student Followers of the Imam’s Line (see below), the spiritual grandfather of the Taliban so to speak.

As the Friends of Iran would like to tell us, all the above misunderstanding is just so much water down the bridge. It should be possible to rise above past bitterness and do business with Iran. And who better to extend the hand of friendship than the Nobel Peace Prize winning President Obama?  

Except that in the Middle East (as Obama is about to discover) the past is not really a different country.

The Iranians have selected a student revolutionary as their UN envoy. The USA has been forced to retaliate by denying him a VISA. Despite the good intentions from both sides it appears that the green shoots of an US-Iran entente will shortly shrivel and dry up (Israel and Saudis will be most pleased).
The United States, in a rare diplomatic rebuke, will not
grant a visa to Tehran’s pick for envoy to the United Nations, the Obama
administration said on Friday.

The move could complicate
efforts to thaw the decades-long diplomatic freeze between the US and
Iran, as the two countries negotiate a deal to curb Tehran’s disputed
nuclear programme.

President Barack Obama’s administration had
previously said only that it opposed the nomination of Hamid Aboutalebi,
who was a member of the group responsible for the 1979 takeover of the
US Embassy in Tehran as a revolution erupted in Iran.

US officials had hoped the issue could be resolved by Tehran simply withdrawing the nomination.
That did not happen, so the US made the unusual, if not unprecedented, move to not grant a visa to a UN ambassadorial nominee.

is alleged to have participated in a Muslim student group that held 52
Americans hostage for 444 days during the takeover. His nomination has
outraged members of Congress, who passed a bill barring entry to the US
to an individual found to be engaged in espionage, terrorism or a threat
to national security. Carney would not say whether Obama would sign the bill but said the president shares its sentiments.

United Nations officials had no immediate comment on the US decision.

has called US rejection of Aboutalebi “not acceptable,” with Iranian
state television quoting Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham as
saying Aboutalebi is one of the country’s best diplomats and arguing
that he previously received a US visa.

Aboutalebi has insisted
his involvement in the group involved in the embassy takeover, Muslim
Students Following the Imam’s Line, was limited to translation and

Here is some details of the hostage crisis [excerpts from Wiki]

Around 6:30 a.m. on November 4, 1979, the ringleaders gathered between 300 and 500 selected students, thereafter known as Muslim Student Followers of the Imam’s Line,
and briefed them on the battle plan. A female student was given a pair
of metal cutters to break the chains locking the embassy’s gates, and
she hid them beneath her chador.

The occupiers bound and blindfolded the embassy Marines and staff and
paraded them in front of photographers. In the first couple of days,
many of the embassy staff who had sneaked out of the compound or not
been there at the time of the takeover were rounded up by Islamists and
returned as hostages. 

Iranian propaganda stated that the hostages were “guests” treated with respect. Ibrahim Asgharzadeh
described the original hostage taking plan as a “nonviolent” and
symbolic action where the “gentle and respectful treatment” of the
hostages would dramatize to the whole world the offended sovereignty and
dignity of Iran.…..

The actual treatment of the hostages was far different from that
purported in Iranian propaganda: the hostages described beatings, theft,
the fear of bodily harm while being paraded blindfold before a large,
angry chanting crowd outside the embassy, having their hands bound “day and night” for days or even weeks, long periods of solitary confinement and months of being forbidden to speak to one another or stand, walk, and leave their space unless they were going to the bathroom. In particular they felt the threat of trial and execution, as all of the hostages “were threatened repeatedly with execution, and took it seriously”. The hostage takers played Russian roulette with their victims.

The most terrifying night for the hostages came on February 5, 1980,
when guards in black ski masks roused the 52 hostages from their sleep
and led them blindfolded to other rooms. They were searched after being
ordered to strip themselves until they were bare, and to keep their
hands up. They were then told to kneel down. “This was the greatest
moment” as one hostage said. They were still wearing the blindfolds, so
naturally, they were terrified even further. One of the hostages later
recalled ‘It was an embarrassing moment. However, we were too scared to
realize it.’ The mock execution
ended after the guards cocked their weapons and readied them to fire
but finally ejected their rounds and told the prisoners to wear their
clothes again. The hostages were later told the exercise was “just a
joke” and something the guards “had wanted to do”. However, this
affected a lot of the hostages long after.


Brown Pundits