Muslims are over-represented only in jails

Saba Naqvi re-visits the famous “moth-eaten” word, to describe the parlous state of Indian secularism. She particularly focuses on the dangers of polarization. It is nobody’s case that BJP has anything to offer towards a unifying agenda. But what have the secularists ever done for India (and Indian muslims)?

the only area
where Muslims are over-represented is in Indian jails  

Naqvi points out the effect of the poison pus from partition I (partition II is not mentioned, even though she talks about Axom and Bengal) but she should have also pointed out that ideologies are more poisonous than events.

The biggest and most powerful poison source is the two nation theory: “our heroes are their villains and vice versa,” a logic that can equally hold true for Shia/Sunni, Urdu/Bengali, and all other ways that humanity can be divided. Today Pramila Rani Baruah is a hero for Bodos and a villain for muslims: this is the proud legacy of the TNT.

rhetoric of Modi/Shah amounts to
this: Muslims got two countries out of Partition and rejected secularism; why
are they still in India trying to vote against us?

It is basically a massive con game. The agenda will be set by conservative muslims males who have only one thing in their mind: Islam khatre mein…..and that’s it. It was the Shah Bano case that convinced the Hindu upper-caste, middle-class (the primary source of opinion-makers) that secularism should be ditched in favor of majoritarianism and gave rise to the BJP as a political player. The secularists are opportunists who would pursue soft-Hindutva (Congress in Gujarat) and soft-Islamism (Samajwadi party in UP, Trinamool Congress in West Bengal) to get votes. Sure they dont have a genocidal agenda, but they dont have the good of any community at heart. Politics to them is an exercise to simply feather their family beds. If the Aam Admi party stands apart from the crowd it will get the votes of deprived muslims as well as relieved hindus. If it adopts the same formula as the secularists it will be doomed to a cut in the vote-bank and nothing more.

equals terrorist equals Pakistani equals infiltrator equals Bangladeshi is not
a new construct for the Sangh parivar. But in this election, the BJP is using
the Bangladeshi immigrant rhetoric with particular emphasis
as it believes
there are gains to be made by polarising sensibilities in Assam, Bengal and
Bihar. So the demonology only needs to be updated and tweaked. And this time
the Muslim bogeyman returns in the shape of the “Bangladeshi”. The immigrant,
illegal migrant, settler, foreigner etc.

one level, these are all battles erupting around the Partition fault-line, the
wounds that routinely get infected and begin oozing pus. At its base level, the
rhetoric of Modi/Shah and even the more sophisticated right-wingers amounts to
this: Muslims got two countries out of Partition and rejected secularism; why
are they still in India trying to vote against us?
If they want to stay, it
should be on our terms, not those set by people who are infiltrators and
terrorists anyway.

Communal ideology and prejudice are easy to spot and
analyze. It is harder to confront the great crisis of Indian secularism, that
is now so hollowed out that it makes it easy for communal forces to grow. One
could even borrow the phrase Mohammed Ali Jinnah used for the Pakistan he
got—“moth-eaten”—which is what the fabric of Indian secularism has become
For those who still have idealistic stardust in their eyes, we must
blink and accept that Indian secularism is not about some utterance of the soul
as a Jawaharlal Nehru may have once imagined it. It appears to be mostly about
electoral management by secular parties that involves first seeing Muslims as a
herd and then trying to keep that herd together.

the crisis of secularism is no laughing matter. The Muslim community has
slipped on all human development indices. Yet in modern secular India, an
entire mobilisation has thrived on the argument that they are “appeased”. There
is indeed a section of the community that is appeased: the clerics. All
political parties go to them.
Last week, Priyanka Gandhi did so in Rae Bareli;
simultaneously in Delhi Meh­mood Madani, an influential cleric from the Deoband
tradition, who has of late been making pro-Modi noises, said “Priyanka would
have been better than Rahul” for the Congress. 
Since Inde­pendence, sec­ular
parties in India have approached the Muslim community through clerics and in
the process given them legitimacy. The maulanas, in turn, have used the cover
of “secularism” to keep retrograde personal laws in place and thereby their own
relevance intact till presumably they land in paradise.
They rarely talk of
jobs, employment, modernity. The result now is that having been given
“secularism” to eat and a vote to brandish, the Muslims of India have been left
in their ghettos with many “sole spokesmen” of the community. It is these
clerics who promise the deliverance of that herd during election time. Their
projection of their own clout is often a fraudulent exercise.

the BJP thrives, so will the clerics who live off victimhood and the fears of
the minority community. Among the most successful is Badruddin Ajmal, who leads
the AIUDF in Assam. In the 2012 violence in the state, he too had stoked the
A graduate of the Deoband seminary, he des­cribes “religious discourse
and Islamic theological excha­nges” as among his favourite pastimes on his
website. He is a perfume moghul with expansive business and charity interests,
who no doubt sees himself as a protector of the community and a servant of

did we get here? For one, the clout of the maulanas has increased ever since
the Congress famously capitulated before them when it overturned the Shah Bano
judgement in 1986. It is hardly worth restating that this not only pushed
Muslims deeper into the ghetto, it eventually created conditions for the rise
of the BJP on the stage of national politics in the late ’80s.

All-India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) was at the heart of that churning.
Founded in 1973, it is a collection of clerics with a motley crew of
professionals whose main purpose is to protect Sharia law. Of its 201 members,
101 are life members. They represent an orthodox male viewpoint that has not
just been allowed to go unchallenged but has also been promoted actively by the
secular state.

Outright corruption in the name of secularism too is part of
the disease.
Particularly so in the matter of Waqf properties that can be
described as religious endowments made in the name of Allah for the benefit of
the poor and needy in the Muslim community. There are approximately 3,00,000
registered Waqf properties in India on about four lakh acres of land (the
second largest land holding after Indian railways). It is a national resource
that should have been developed for the welfare of the community,
as it is meant
to. Instead,
this resource has been mortgaged, sold and encroached upon with the connivance
of the same clerical class in league with elected Muslim representatives. Waqf
boards in all the states are repositories of corruption, yet they get away with
it because any demand for scrutiny is described as an attack on Islam.

Meanwhile, issues that really concern the community such as employment,
safety, prosperity are not addressed. The police and the entire judicial
system is known for its profiling on communal lines and the only area
where Muslims are over-represented is in Indian jails while even
well-to-do members of the community are not rented homes in many
localities in Indian metros. 


Chanakya-II (sequel opens May 16)

Now we finally understand how the Tamil Shudras must feel: dude where is my self-respect revolution? Entire rivers of blood, sweat and tears have flown down from Tala-Kaveri to Poompuharam, yet the poor Dravidas are still toiling under the thumb of a super-caste (Iyengar Brahmin) decider.

Moving onto national news, it is reported that Pranab Mukherjee made a sudden surprise symbolic declaration of neutrality, after all preparations were in place for a postal vote (May 12 ballot in Kolkata).

This is not the most important vote (of confidence) from the first citizen. It is likely that on May 16th there will be no political combination with an absolute majority. As per the Indian Constitution this is when the President gains maximum power to inflict maximum harm or good, depending on the point of view. 

Consider (as an imperfect analogy) what transpired in Delhi recently. No party got an absolute majority in the state elections. When BJP as the largest party did not want to rule as a minority govt,the Aam Admi party came to power with support from the Congress. Then wonder-boy Arvind (AK-49) Kejriwal cast aside his crown and in order to fight for the highest chair. Lt Governor Najeeb Jung is now the de-facto ruler and having a lot of fun by beating up evil black marketeers (see below). If new elections are held the AAP may secure an absolute majority on the back of new generation muslim voters.

In the Lok Sabha elections it is likely that BJP/NDA will get the max seats but will fall short of a simple majority. In that event, the President has the discretionary powers to invite the BJP to form the government. If history is any guide, BJP will be able to bribe small parties to form a coalition of the (weak) willing. Sanjaya Baru has confirmed in his book that Sonia purposefully denied Pranab Babu the Prime Minister’s seat (in favor of the docile Manmohan). The sudden flip to “neutrality” may be a sign  that the (life-long) family servant will request for a (cold) dish named revenge. 

Legend has it that the original Chanakya used his super-powers to place a Chandal (dalit) on the throne. When a new-age Chanakya blesses a (fake?) Shudra king it will be one for the books as well. 

On the morrow of May 16 all eyes will be on
Rashtrapati Bhavan.
As a stickler for constitutional propriety,
President Pranab Mukherjee will invite the leader of the largest
political party or coalition to form the government and prove – within a
reasonable period of time – that it enjoys majority support in the Lok
Sabha. No one seriously doubts that the leader will be Narendra Modi. Should he realise the goal he set for himself when he embarked on the
election campaign – 272+ – the new government will be in place without a
major hiccup. 

Modi’s room for manoeuvre will narrow if BJP-led NDA fails to reach
the half-way mark. And this is where President Mukherjee’s formidable
political skills and experience will come into play. He knows that a
shortfall of 20 seats would spell disquiet in BJP ranks; a shortfall of
40 seats would spell acute discomfiture; any figure below that would see
power equations within BJP itself change to Modi’s disadvantage.

A free hand for Modi would mean a faster, if inequitable, rate of
economic growth and a cleaner, if not always transparent or accountable,
governance. Whether it would also encourage him to rein in Hindu and
Muslim fanatics with equal zeal is still a moot point. These dangers
would subside to some extent if he has to rope in allies to form the
government. Much would of course depend on their number. The higher
their numbers, the greater the risks he would run to head the government
or indeed to enable NDA to assume office.

Should such a scenario unfold, President Mukherjee could well be the
one to orchestrate a denouement of the frenzied dance of Indian
democracy. He won’t spare anyone who has slighted him in the past. And
he won’t spare anyone who is likely to chip away at the foundations of
the republic. Both have much to fear from a Brahmin of the finest
Nehruvian vintage.

    In a
departure from the recent past, President Pranab Mukherjee on Friday
decided not to vote in the Lok Sabha elections in order to maintain his
“political neutrality”. The decision came as a surprise since
Mukherjee, a registered voter in south Kolkata,
had ordered for a postal
ballot and would have been the first head of the state to use it. He
was slated to cast his vote on May 12.

In fact, the tradition
for a President to vote is fairly recent with KR Narayanan breaking the
convention of “political neutrality” to become the first to vote in the
1998 parliamentary polls. Mukherjee’s immediate predecessors — APJ Abdul
Kalam and Pratibha Patil — had voted in the 2004 and 2009 general
elections respectively.
Both were registered voters in Delhi.

Sources said all formalities for Mukherjee’s voting through postal
ballot had been completed. He is a registered voter in 160 Rashbehari,
part of the South Kolkata parliamentary seat. However, he decided not to
exercise his franchise, bringing back the convention followed by many
past Presidents.

South Kolkata will see a multi-cornered contest
with Congress fielding Mala Roy and BJP nominating state president
Tathagata Roy. Trinamool Congress has fielded sitting MP Subrata Bakshi
whereas CPM’s candidate is Nandini Mukherjee, a professor.


crackdown against hoarders and blackmarketeers will continue till the
time President’s rule remains in Delhi, Lt Governor Najeeb Jung said

“More raids are in store for wrongdoers at public
offices. The crackdown will not end till the time President’s rule in
Delhi gets over,” Jung told IANS.

Jung had recently ordered massive raids at fair price shops, petrol pumps and gas agencies.

“We will act tough against hoarders and blackmarketeers,” he said.

is under President’s rule since Feb 17, when it was imposed five days
after Aam Aadmi Party chief Arvind Kejriwal announced the resignation of
his government. – See more at:

The crackdown against hoarders and
blackmarketeers will continue till the time President’s rule remains in Delhi,
Lt Governor Najeeb Jung said Thursday. “More raids are in store for wrongdoers at public offices. The crackdown
will not end till the time President’s rule in Delhi gets over,” Jung told

Jung had recently ordered massive raids at fair price shops, petrol pumps and
gas agencies.
“We will act tough against hoarders and blackmarketeers,” he said.

Delhi is under President’s rule since Feb 17, when it was imposed five days
after Aam Aadmi Party chief Arvind Kejriwal announced the resignation of his

Link (1):
Link (2):


The Chibok Christians must convert (or die)

As they say in the liberal circles, Boko Haram seems a bit outlandish, even by the high standards that the jihadists have set for themselves. It is quite possible (as liberals see it) that this is a neo-con plot to gain hold of African resources (ahead of China) by fomenting warfare – Nigeria turned into Afghanistan – as per that memorable phrase deployed in the Guardian.

After having separated facts from hysteria what seemed like utter madness appears to be not so mad, quite normal in fact. Boko Haram is merely following in the foot-steps of giants in (recent) history. When the Pandits were kicked out of Kashmir, the message from their neighbors was short and simple: leave with all you have, leave your girls behind.

Borno state in Nigeria is majority Muslim. Chibok however is a majority Christian community. The girls participating in Western/Christian education were mostly Christian (as per the Christian Association of Nigeria). There were a few muslim students as well, presumably the ignorant parents liked the idea that the girls were studying some useful stuff beyond islamiyat.

All in all it is clear that Boko Haram wants to establish a pure Sharia state which (1) should be populated exclusively by muslims of the right sort (beliefs), (2) girls should only study the holy books, (3) infidels (especially girls) must be converted by persuasion and/or force. 

This is standard issue public policy as practiced in many Islamic nations and if polled would probably attract upwards of 70% (super-majority) of the public in its favor.
A Nigerian evangelist said that most of the 200 plus schoolgirls
kidnapped by terrorist group Boko Haram are Christians,
which he says is
further evidence of the militant Islamists’ specific targeting of
followers of Christ.

“Chibok local government is 90% Christian.
Majority of the girls abducted are Christian! Why did Boko Haram visit
Chibok local government? Why didn’t they visit so many other local
government girls secondary schools in Borno State?” asked Evangelist
Matthew Owojaiye of the Old Time Revival Hour Church in Kaduna, who
compiled a list of 180 kidnapped girls who have been identified,
International Christian Concern shared.

Of those, Owojaiye identified that 163 are Christian girls, and 15 are Muslims.


Post Apocalypse means AFTER the apocalypse..

OK, i have to try. I have had well respected and highly knowledgeable people tell me after reading my Boko Harami post that we are better off in imperfect Pakistan than under the Khalsa. Since I had not claimed otherwise (in fact, had claimed exactly this) I must have been very unclear. I am going to try and explain. Anyone not concerned about this scenario building and hypothetical argument can relax and move on to the next post.

So, here is what I had written:

Here is my summary of who may be in a position to save us if the Pak army fails to change course (I sincerely pray to Allah that they do NOT fail)

1. IF the army fails to change direction, Punjab will have a short but terrible religious apocalypse. It’s inevitable in Punjab because Pakistaniat and Islamiyat are widely established and there is simply no armed group that can match the Jihadis if the army is gone. But post-apocalypse, we can be saved by the Khalsa. By that I don’t mean the literal Khalsa of yore, I just mean that once shariah law and jihadi rule is discredited (as it inevitably will be), Sikh rule may be the nearest palatable alternative, perhaps under overall Indian control. We can all hope and pray it does not come to that.
2. Pakhtoons can only be saved by Afghanistan. IF the army fails to change course, then there is simply no armed force IN KP that can fight the jihadis. But Afghanistan has an army…
3. The Baloch can only be saved by China (i.e. if the Chinese switch sides). No further explanation is necessary.
4. The Sindhis can only be saved by? …India? I don’t know. I await input on this one.

I thought it was pretty clear that these are NOT my wish list of some sort. These are all things that MAY happen AFTER the shit hits the fan, if the Pak army does not change course. I am not the first one to say that the Pak army should have taken the chance (and the money) to actually change course in 2001. The course we were on in the 1990s was one that would lead inevitably to a massive war with India (desired by the course creators) and Islamic revolution in Pakistan (desired only by the BokoHaramist faction of the army, but unwittingly facilitated by the moron faction in their eagerness to win objective number one). I should add that massive war with India (problem enough, given that both countries have large, if not always competently led, nuclear-armed armies) would not have been confined to India. The conflagration being prepared (and not widely known; “need to know basis”) would have involved central Asia, Russia, China and the worldcop of the day in various combinations. 
Anyway, so I made it as clear as I could that we are talking here about things that may happen IF the army does not change course. I continue to hope (and even to be somewhat optimistic) that the corrupt ruling elite of Pakistan will not prove suicidal and will actually adjust to “ground realities” (of course, they can lie and dissemble along the way, that is par for the course for ANY corrupt ruling elite). But, just as a POSSIBLE scenario; what would happen if the army were unable to cut away from the Jihadis and in time became so internally confused etc etc that they actually give up (or join the Jihadis)? Well, there are four major ethnic/cultural divisions that are recognized and familiar in Pakistan. Without worrying about details (for example, New Sindhi versus Old Sindhi) what, or rather who will establish law and order in these states if NOT the jihadis? (or after the Jihadis have their fill and go up in smoke)?

THEN, I pointed to 4 different possible scenarios. And I have no great illusions about any of them. Just as a random example, an educated and well established Khalistani Sikh once told my father (in all seriousness) that Giani Zail Singh (then President of India) used to have sex with Indira Gandhi and that is why Zail Singh was loyal to her. Sikh religious fanatics and their fights over beards and calendars and what not are well known, as are their own internal divisions and extremely variable levels of Hindu-phobia. Sikh efforts to enforce blasphemy laws against those who insult Sikhism are less famous (justifiably, since other people are less affected by them) than Islamic blasphemy laws, but are, if anything, more competent and effective. And so on and so forth. In any case, the Islamic apocalypse that would precede any Khalsa rescue would be reason enough to regard this as a VERY unpleasant and undesirable path to salvation. So please, this was not meant as some utopian fantasy of Punjabi nationhood and greatness. It was much simpler than that. Ideas AND armed men hold nations in place. Left wing Americans owe their existence as Americans as much to the US army as right wing nuts.  So, to sum up, here are the steps in that line of thought:
1. SUPPOSE Pak army fails to secure Pakistan. 
2. There is no armed force or ideology in Muslim Punjab that can resist a go at full Boko Haramism in that case. 
3. Boko Haramism will destroy the place, either as internal collapse or (more likely) as internal disorder followed by external war. 
4. POST-apocalyptic Punjab (a messy, murderous mess) will need someone to re-establish order. 
5. Sikh rule will be more palatable and practical than almost any other. 

It was a scenario. The way Mushie and his generals played “war-games”, we can play ours. It was neither a desire nor a prediction that this is bound to happen. It was a “what if”…

“I accept being called a traitor”

You divide terrorists into ‘good’ and ‘bad’ categories to confuse the
people. I believe in unveiling your deceit.

Powerful words from a still very fragile man. Let us at least agree in wishing him full recovery even if we think that the public finger-pointing has been unhelpful.

are of two kinds. First, those who get into a deal with foreign enemies
and help enslave their own people. Syed Jafar Ali Khan aka Mir Jafar,
the chief of Sirajuddaullah’s army is one such example whose name has
managed to stay on top of our local ‘traitors’ list despite a few
centuries having gone by.


The second, or other kind of ‘traitor’ does not collaborate against
foreign powers. Instead, he raises his voice against those high and
mighty who are bent on collaborating with the foreign powers in the name
of ‘patriotism’.

Our history is brimming with this second category of traitors. At
present, a campaign has been launched to label people like myself and
some other journalists in this second category. Those who live under the
shadow of the gun not only want to label me and my organization Geo TV
as ‘traitor’ but they also want to revoke my citizenship. 

With due respect, I dare ask, what heinous crime have I committed to
deserve this tag? An assassination attempt was made on my life a few
days ago in Karachi.

I received six bullet injuries and Geo TV aired the suspicion of my
family that elements within the country’s premier intelligence ISI could
be the mastermind of that attack because I had informed my management
many times in the recent past that some ISI officials were trying to use
some extremists for silencing my voice. 

I was unconscious when my
family suspected ISI for using some extremists against me. Upon opening
my eyes, and realising that I had come out alive from the assault, I
endorsed the stand taken by my family and immediately ISI sent a
reference to the government for declaring Geo TV as a traitor. Some
banned militant outfits came out on the roads in support of ISI. These
included Hafiz Mohammad Saeed of the Lashkar-e-Toiba.
Their only purpose
is to get me, and the organization I work for, officially declared as

The men with guns have used
this label to describe Fatima Jinnah, the sister of our founding father
Mohammad Ali Jinnah, despite the fact that she played a prominent role
in the Pakistan movement.
When military dictator Ayub Khan moved to
subvert democracy, Miss Jinnah mocked the power of the men with guns.
When she fought the presidential election against the dictator, powerful
people labelled her an Indian agent and traitor.

Habib Jalib too was similarly described as a traitor simply because he
wrote poems condemning the army action in Dhaka in 1971.
The regime of
the dictator General Yahya Khan who ordered the surrender of troops in
Dhaka not only labelled him a traitor but also threw him in prison. 

Pashtun nationalist Wali Khan, Baluch Nationalists Ghaus Bux Bizenjo
and Ataullah Mengal,
even though these leaders had played a key role in
framing the Constitution of 1973 and pledged loyalty to Pakistan under
that Constitution
too were labelled as traitors.

Next, it was the turn of someone by the name of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto
who gave us the constitution of 1973. His elected government was toppled
and he too was dubbed an Indian agent.
He was then falsely implicated
in a murder case and sent to the gallows. It was during the regime of
General Zia-ul-Haq, the military dictator who hanged Bhutto, that India
occupied the heights of Siachen. During this period politicians like
Benazir Bhutto, Maulana Fazlur Rehman, poets like Faiz Ahmed Faiz, Ahmed
Faraz, and my father Prof Waris Mir as well as countless political
workers, journalists, poets and writers were also labelled traitors.

Dubbing a war fought for the sake of foreign interests as ‘patriotism’, 
Zia-ul-Haq, introduced the culture of the Kalashnikov, sectarianism,
linguistic and ethnic divisions and narrow provincialism in the country.
To weaken the political forces arrayed against him, Zia doled out guns
to certain religious groups, and along with the accusations of
treachery, fatwas declaring people ‘Kaafir’ too became part of the
political discourse.

When another Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif refused to bow before the power
of the gun in 1999, his government too was toppled and a case was
lodged against him for hijacking as he too was declared a traitor. 

it was the turn of Akbar Bugti to be termed as a traitor, even though he
had voted in favour of Pakistan when it was born in 1947.
For this, he
was driven in his old age to a cave deep in the hills of Baluchistan
which became his final refuge and where he was killed. his killing was
blamed on General Musharraf, a man who subverted the Constitution of
Pakistan not once but twice.

Today, I do not seek to address those who have sold their conscience
to the enemies of democracy but to address you directly. I want to tell
you that only a person like me who has suffered bullet wounds on his own
body can feel the importance of the sacrifices of our brave soldiers. I
too salute the sacrifices of our brave soldiers for the defense of the

You divide terrorists into ‘good’ and ‘bad’ categories to confuse the
people. I believe in unveiling your deceit.
You aim to further your
personal interests by handing over the country’s bases to foreign
powers. You allow drone strikes on your own country and term your
opportunism as patriotism. I believe such patriotism is a slur on the
name of Pakistan. I believe in peace. You want to fan a civil war. I
believe in holding my head high and speaking the truth to everyone. You
believe in stabbing people in the back.

Agreed, you are very powerful because you have guns and tanks. But I do
not want to beg you for a certificate of patriotism. If Fatima Jinnah
could be called a traitor, if Jalib, Bhutto, Faiz, Wali Khan. Mengal,
and Akbar Bugti were traitors,
I accept being called a traitor. 


The marines have landed in Nigeria

…and the social media campaign against Boko Haram is being run by Michele Obama, Malala Yousufzai and Angelina Jolie, master-class women all.

Finding the girls will be very difficult if not impossible, even with the prize money awarded, many (if not most) have probably crossed international borders. Locally in Borno state you have dense forests and secure hide-outs. Saddam Hussein hiding in a foxhole scenarios are unlikely.

OTOH it should not be difficult to find a few Mir Jafars amongst the Boko Haram units. 

The exact troop combination is unclear, it is better to work with private agencies (like Blackwater) and to outsource all the “enhanced interrogations” to them. Else you run the danger of antagonizing the entire liberal universe who will be rising in action against the evil neo-cons (who are probably using Boko Haram as a front in a bid to control all African resources). 
task force set up to help find the 276 schoolgirls abducted by the
Islamist militant group Boko Haram has arrived in Nigeria to assist with
the hunt.

Military, law-enforcement and development experts,
including some skilled in hostage negotiations, also plan to tackle the
rising threat from Boko Haram. France, Britain and China have also
offered help.

The US Secretary of State John Kerry said: “Our
inter-agency team is hitting the ground in Nigeria now and they are
going to be working in concert with President Goodluck Jonathan’s
government to do everything we can to return these girls to their
families and their communities.
“We are also going to do everything possible to counter the menace of Boko Haram.”

The latest developments follow a request by Nigerian President Jonathan
to Barack Obama for help, with the US President vowing to “do to
everything we can” to help find the girls, whose abduction from a
secondary school on 14 April triggered international outrage.

social media campaign, using the hashtag #BringBackOurGirls, has been
credited with highlighting the Nigerian government’s response to the
kidnappings and on Boko Haram’s other attacks and kidnappings, which
have terrorized local communities.

US First Lady Michelle Obama
and human rights campaigner Malala Yousafzai are among high-profile
figures to join worldwide calls for the return of the schoolgirls on
UN envoy Angelina Jolie today said the culture of impunity was to blame for the kidnappings.

“I’m actually sickened by it,” she said. “And the thought of them out there now, terrified and being abused and sold.
“It’s infuriating and it kind of goes beyond understanding that someone could do this.
“I think it speaks of a bigger problem which is that because of the
lack of impunity and because people believe they can get away with this
people will commit these kind of crimes.

Earlier, President
Jonathan said he hoped a ‘turning point” had been reached with the
ongoing threat of terrorism in the country and the battle against Boko
Speaking at the World Economic Forum being hosted in the
capital, Abuja, he said: “I believe that the kidnap of these girls will
be the beginning of the end of terror in Nigeria.”


“fake OBC” is not the “real” problem

There are enough real evils associated with caste based discrimination which are never addressed by our elites. Instead the “caste card” is played out for the following three main reasons of which the last is the least excusable:

1) Reservations for a powerful voting block. Now even the prosperous groups like Jats, Marathas and many others are demanding reservations.
2) Win marginal votes (by demanding caste loyalty) or win by dividing marginal votes.
3) Win brownie points in a debate. This is equivalent to the “check your privilege” shouting match that is presently going on in the West. Regardless of the actual facts of oppression, if you are from a “lower caste” you can always win points by claiming to speak on behalf of all of the oppressed, including the people you have oppressed yourself.

As we have said before: the actual problem is the fake humanity on display. People are suffering while the pols are squabbling amongst themselves and the elites are content with writing angry, pitiful letters to the Editor. If you are confused and actually want to do some good, stop with the “bak-bak” and join Medha Patkar (or any other reputed NGO) and help the people who truly need your help. And yes, they will be grateful to you for not posturing.
Congress leader Shaktisinh Gohil on Thursday accused chief minister
Narendra Modi of being a “fake OBC” and claimed that the ‘Modh
Ghanchi-Teli’ caste, to which he belongs, was actually included in the
OBC list only after Modi became chief minister in 2001. Gujarat
government immediately rushed to Modi’s defense and refuted Gohil’s

Gohil, a former leader of opposition in the Gujarat
assembly, released a copy of a Gujarat government circular dated January
1, 2002, to claim that Modi “manipulated” records to bring his caste
into the OBC list.

“Of late, the Gujarat CM has been indulging
in low level political gimmickry. He has been desperately trying to
invoke his OBC status and garner sympathy. Modi does not belong to OBC
as he has been claiming. He belongs to rich and prosperous Modh Ghanchis
who were never given any kind of reservation nor were included in OBCs
before Modi became CM. In the way encounters were fake in Gujarat, Modi
is also a fake OBC,” Gohil said.

State finance minister Nitin
Patel, also the state government spokesperson, accused Gohil of
misleading the people of the country. He said the Modh Ghanchi community
was included in OBC list of Gujarat under Baxi Commission norms by the
state Social Justice & Empowerment department’s Government
Resolution (GR) on 25-07-1994 while Chhabildas Mehta was chief minister.
Patel said Gohil himself was a minister in that government.

Patel said government of India included Modh Ghanchi community by
notification in extraordinary gazette no. 246 dated 06-09-2001 (one
month before Modi became CM). He said after the inclusion of the Modh
Ghanchi community in the central OBC list, the Gujarat Government’s
Social Justice & Empowerment department issued revised central OBC
list in January 2002, which Gohil is referring to.

officer K G Vanzara, who was director of the department then, also
corroborated the fact that Modi Ghanchis were included in the OBC list
in 1994. Vanzara told TOI that though Modh Ghanchis, or oil millers,
were not named in the first list of 82 OBC communities in Gujarat in
1978, they were part of the 38 communities which were added to the list
in 1994.

Gujarat Congress has claimed that BJP’s prime
ministerial candidate Narendra Modi does not belong to the ‘Other
Backward Castes’ (OBC) as he has claimed nationwide for political gains.

Gohil claimed that, “The government resolution dated: 1/1/2002
presented before the media established that Modi manipulated government
records and included his caste, Modh Ghanchi, in the OBC list.”

Gohil had also quoted from the authentic Gujarati lexicon
‘Bhagvadgomandal’, which says that Modhs are rich people living in a
particular village. “Gandhiji was a Modh Vanik,” he said. “Modh is an
adjective showing the prosperity of a particular caste or community.”

“By acquiring OBC status for his selfish motives, Modi has in fact
encroached on the rights of OBCs,” Gohil said. “Modi is a man born into
an upper caste and is indulging in low-level politics.”

Link (1):
Link (2):

Hold the vermillion (start with court marriages)

What is the problem with men? Have fun when you want and then dump and run? Throw the book at these idiots so that the girls can live in peace (and with their dignity intact).

One message for girls: insist on a court marriage. Just for laughs (watch him run out of the door like an Olympic sprinter), OK?

This is also why we have very low patience with conservative muslim demands that marriage must not be registered. And no, women engaged in pre-marital sex will not be subject to death penalty (this message for Abu Azmi). And yes, “our boys” (all boys) will be punished if they make a “mistake” which is also a crime (this message for Mulayam Yadav).

The civil law of the land is supreme (as the court has often pointed out when asked). So stop crying wolf (“islam is in danger”) at every turn and watch out for the actual wolves. Have no fear from the secular crowd (we are in danger as well). The ones you may not recognize as (false) friends are also likely to be the most dangerous.

Ankit Tiwari of Aashiqui 2 fame was arrested yesterday on charges of
allegedly raping a woman he had been in a relationship with since 2012.
The complainant stated that the 24-yearold singer repeatedly raped her
while promising marriage.
 According to Machhindra Bodkhe,
inspector at Versova police station, Ankit had met the complainant at a
Durga Puja event in 2012. On July 21, 2013, she allegedly invited him
and some friends to celebrate the birthday of her sister, with whom she

According to Bodhke, the complainant claimed that Ankit proposed
marriage to her in front of everyone and forced her to consume alcohol,
before taking her to the bedroom and raping her. “The next morning, she
told her sister about the rape, who then confronted Ankit. He allegedly
told her that since they would be getting married soon, she should not
object to sex,” said Bodkhe.

 A month later, in August 2013, the
singer put vermillion on the complainant’s forehead in the presence of
their friends and her sister, but when she insisted on a court marriage,
he allegedly developed cold feet. The complainant alleges that Ankit’s
brother Ankur then threatened her against pressuring the singer for
marriage by brandishing a knife.

 The complainant first approached
the Versova police towards the end of February 2014 and lodged a formal
complaint of rape on April 14. “Since this was not a case of rape in the
immediate moment, it took time to gather evidence before making a
formal arrest,” explained Bodkhe, adding that the evidence included the
testimonies of their common friends who were present at the party last
Ankit has been charged under Sections 376, 493 and 417 of the
IPC, for rape, cohabitation caused by a man deceitfully inducing a
belief of lawful marriage, and cheating. Ankur was charged under Section
506(2) of the IPC for criminal intimidation. Ankit has been remanded to
police custody until May 12, while Ankur has been remanded to judicial
custody until May 22.


An appeal to our over-lords

The new upgraded BP looks extremely pleasing and we are enjoying the opportunity to voice our thoughts and listening to our (many) silent and (few) not-so-silent readers. Thanks to the Supreme Powers for this.

However there is a fly in the ointment- some truly garbage comments messing up the right corner – something to do with curing AIDS and what not. To put it bluntly, they are an embarrassment to BP and they also mask out the authentic commentators.

Please help us to resolve the problem.

warm regards, sid

“our prayers were answered when the French came”

These youngsters have really big dreams (why not? you are only young once). It is important to have their voices heard and it is also takes remarkable courage to take a public stand.

Top Lines:    
[Obvious things that still need to be said out loud] Some Muslims here think it is OK to burn churches or temples because
they believe that Christians and Buddhists are wrong. But actually they
are the ones that are wrong.

[Harsh but true] I can say that an uneducated girl is worthless.  

[Food for thought for western liberals] Our father
told us to pray day and night for the liberation of Timbuktu. Our
prayers were answered when the French came.

[Our thoughts in a nutshell] When I grow up, I want
to be free … to wear what I like, to move about without restrictions, be
able to drive a scooter, go to work, be independent and not be stuck at
home. I think that can only come if I and all the girls in Pakistan get

[This is where change must happen] Some parents marry off their daughters even while they’re in school
as a way of reducing their burden, or because they don’t want the girls
getting big ideas about the future.

[You go girl]  If I was one of them, the only thing I
would think about after I was released would be revenge. That would make
me do so many things, even kill someone maybe.

We searched online so she could read the story and when she finished
the one about the Boko Haram leader she was like: “This man is insane.
It’s inhumane.”

you know, it is also heartbreaking for me that Muslims can get really
wrong ideas about our God. They are giving Islam a bad name. It’s not
just Boko Haram, but al-Qaida too. 

They use our religion to justify
abducting schoolgirls and being terrorists.

I think they have
misconceptions about Islam. Sometimes it happens here in Indonesia too. 

Some Muslims here think it is OK to burn churches or temples because
they believe that Christians and Buddhists are wrong. But actually they
are the ones that are wrong.

 In the holy book, the Qur’an, it says that we should not discriminate against people.

A girl must get a schooling because she can build herself and be
independent. An educated girl can do good to her parents and her
children in future. I can say that an uneducated girl is worthless.

Going to school is important to me because I want to be chief
prosecutor of the international criminal court, like Fatou Bensouda. We
need more justice in Africa.

school was closed for nearly two years when the jihadists occupied
Timbuktu. They used the school as a firing range and chopped up the
desks for firewood.

The men who have taken the Nigerian
schoolgirls are the same types as we had here. You cannot called them
Muslims. They are just criminals. We had thought they were nice people
but what we saw went far beyond the limits of Islam. They raped and beat
girls. There were unwanted pregnancies. If they saw a girl who was not
properly dressed they would take her away to the prison. I never went to
their prison but I heard there was a mattress in the prison with a
blanket and a mosquito net, and when they had finished with the girl
they would send her home. People thought she had been imprisoned but
actually she had been raped.

My father, who is a Marabout
[traditional Muslim preacher, considered heretical by fundamentalists],
made me and my four sisters stay at home. We did household chores and
read the Qur’an. If we went out it was for quick errands, never after
dark. We had to wear those big veils that they imposed on us. 

Our father
told us to pray day and night for the liberation of Timbuktu. Our
prayers were answered when the French came.

School is important
but even in peacetime we do not have the equipment and means – like
electricity or computers – to study to high standards. During the
occupation, one of my teachers organised secret lessons at his house. He
was very brave because he taught girls and boys together. But he had to
stop after the jihadists came to his house one day.

We went back
to school in November last year but my school has only six teachers and
more than 1,000 pupils. A few weeks before we went back to school there
was a suicide car bombing on the army barracks just 100 metres from
Bahadou. Flying debris punched a hole in the roof. It was them again.

are still frightened. Even now there are regular rumours that a
jihadist pick-up has been seen or whatever. When that happens we are all
sent home.

It is easier to be a boy than a girl. Many girls get
married really young. If they want to continue to go to school they have
to defy their husbands. That is a sin so you would not do it. Marriage
is a gift from God but if you are a girl you must resist it for as long
as possible.

I dream of being a doctor when I grow up so I must study. In the
Pashtun community to which I belong, even today, many girls my age are
not allowed to study. I feel lucky to have parents who work hard so I
can. I think education can bring about change in the mindset of the
people, hopefully in the next generations.

When I grow up, I want
to be free … to wear what I like, to move about without restrictions, be
able to drive a scooter, go to work, be independent and not be stuck at
I think that can only come if I and all the girls in Pakistan get
education. We will be stronger and have a more powerful voice and the
government will then have to pay heed. I think if I continue my
education I can be whatever I want.

I really wish Pakistan could
be a more women-friendly place where perpetrators are punished for their
crimes, especially those who do bad things to girls – like rape. I
recently saw on television how a girl set herself on fire after the
police set the accused free.

It is lack of education that has led
to the way our society views a girl – just someone who needs to be
married off. Even girls, once they reach my age, begin to think of
marriage. Little do they or their parents know the value of a girl.

To think of an army of men kidnapping so many girls, it’s horrific.

would their parents be going through? I just shudder to think if I were
in their place. Even if some people hate girls going to schools, I
don’t feel scared. 

 I know the Taliban think seeking western education is
against Islam, but they are so wrong. How can any form of education be
harmful? In any case we are taught Islamiyat [Islamic teachings] in

After what happened to Malala [Yousafzai], I know they can
attack me or anyone they take a dislike to, but I don’t quite feel
scared or threatened.

Many people say having sons is luckier and
that daughters are a burden but that is not the case in my home. I love
cricket and want to be a cricketer too. I play in school and I don’t
think it’s a sport only for boys. 

I would love to play cricket on the
street like boys in my neighborhood do. I envy them but that is just
not a done thing here, at least not in my neighborhood and that is when
I feel being a girl is a disadvantage in Pakistan.

We go to school and come back peacefully. But the biggest difference is
the uncertainty of our dreams. A lot of my classmates have been married
off. Some parents marry off their daughters even while they’re in school
as a way of reducing their burden, or because they don’t want the girls
getting big ideas about the future. Some husbands don’t allow their
wives to continue going to school.
The problem is this: you don’t know
when this marriage is coming. You don’t know when your education might
be cut short. For most women, marriage cuts education short, whereas
boys are allowed to go to university.

My sisters, except one who is a dentist, all went abroad for their
university. My uncles told my mother: ‘You are a non-Muslim, you became a
Christian, because your girls are studying abroad.’ But my mother
doesn’t care what people say.
She is proud of us and my school [School
of Leadership Afghanistan]. And I am really proud of my mother. My
father died when I was one and she raised and educated us all on her

I think of those girls who were kidnapped, how much
pressure they must be under. 

 If I was one of them, the only thing I
would think about after I was released would be revenge. That would make
me do so many things, even kill someone maybe.



Brown Pundits