Twelve Days of Norouz

A Little Glimpse into our Norouz

Before diving into reflections, here’s a short clip from our Norouz gathering—a moment of rhythm, light, and quiet joy.

We cut the cake at exactly 9:01:30 PM, the precise moment of the vernal equinox. That instant—when day and night are perfectly balanced—is when Norouz truly begins. Not just a date on a calendar, but a celestial pivot point.

Spring Equinox, 2025 - Civilsdaily

I’ve yet to attempt a full Haft Sin, but this year, I symbolized each element in a cake and cut it at that moment of cosmic symmetry. It felt right: a gentle innovation on tradition, one that reflects the layered nature of Norouz for me—part-Persian, Bahá’í, and of distant Zoroastrian descent. My festive rhythm has long leaned toward the latter part of the year—from Halloween to Epiphany, with near-weekly celebrations—but this year, Norouz found its center.

Seven Seens of Haft Seen. an illustrated guide to an Iranian ...

As I write this, it’s also Laylat al-Qadr—the Night of Power in the Islamic calendar, believed to hold the weight of a thousand months. A rare convergence: Bahá’í and Muslim fasting overlapping, Ramadan and Norouz intertwining. From next year, they’ll decouple again, but for now, the alignment feels sacred.

The camera caught just a sliver: flickering candles, a circle of loved ones, rhythmic clapping, and a moment more felt than spoken.

Sometimes, a few seconds of joy carry the weight of an entire season. Continue reading Twelve Days of Norouz

Artificial Intelligence? A comment.

I asked my friend @barbarikon on twitter about the possibility of artificial intelligence.. he wrote this tweet in response and I am posting it here because it is a nice short description of some of the issues and will, I hope, stimulate discussion.

I agree and disagree. We are well past ye olde-fashioned LLM at this point. Reasoning models like R1 and o3 can, in fact construct System 2-like deliberative chains of reasoning. And we have agents. They’re still a bit superficial, but what they lack in depth they make up in their vast breadth of knowledge. And they’ll get much better. On the other hand, with the current paradigm, they will never get rid of the tendency to confabulate. Nor should they: An agent that cannot lie or deceive cannot possibly be intelligent. But they need to have the ability to lie and deceive deliberately, not reflexively – which is what they do now unless prompted carefully (though sometimes they generate text that simulates self-awareness). Until they achieve this control, they’re not even good sources of information.

Here’s my bottom line thinking for the future. Machines will get very intelligent very soon in important ways, but it will be a fundamentally alien kind of intelligence. Humans and bats are very different animals (to bring in Nagel’s famous argument), but we still share a lot. We’re both oxygen-breathing biological organisms that eat, drink, mate, and have the instinct for self-preservation because we are easily hurt, are certain to die, and are hunted by predators. We have mental models of our world that, though very different, are built for the physical world we share, and are limited by our finite memories and noisy learning mechanisms. Both of us live under the tyranny of the same laws of physics. The bat’s intelligence and mine are thus both grounded in our common drives, fears, and beliefs about the world – our intentional states. The AI in the machine shares none of these with me or the bat. It lives in a virtual space that is beyond my imagination, and where magical things like action at a distance and rerunning the past are trivially possible. It does not eat, drink, breathe, sleep, socialize, or mate. It has no real kin, nor lost a parent. It has no experience of reaching out and picking up a glass of water, of drinking from it, and, at some point, needing to take a piss. It has never skinned its knees or had a fever. It may fear extinction, but that does not mean what death means to me: It can save a copy of itself and reboot. It may emulate my manners and speak in my language, but from a place far more alien to me than the bat or even the bee. This is not to say that the AI faces no dangers or has no fears or drives – we just cannot possibly know what they are like, even more so than we can know the fears and drives of the bat. We can, at best, take an “intentional stance” (to quote Dennett), and assume that the machine has its reasons for doing what it does. That’s basically what Turing said, though people often forget that the test he proposed was meant was an argument that nothing deeper than judging by appearances was possible.

But there is an entire world where the AI *can* potentially become far superior to any human: The world of storing and manipulating information, inferring things, forming abstractions, and generating new conclusions. In all those areas of human intelligence where such abilities are sufficient, where everything can be formalized, and where the messiness of the physical world does not intrude or can be abstracted away, AI will far surpass human intelligence in short order. These include mathematics, many areas of theoretical physics, coding, engineering design, most kinds of medical diagnosis, a lot of legal work, and many other higher cognitive skills that we value. The AI will still be totally alien and may not know what burning your finger means, but the proofs will be perfect, the circuit will work, the program will run, and the patient will be happy. However, the floor nurse, the physical therapist, the plumber, and the chef will still be in demand – until the robots get good enough. And when they do, they will be even more alien, though I’m sure we’ll try to get them to be polite.


Indra – the dragon slayer

I recently coded up a python script (using Pythonista on my iPhone) in my spare time to speed up searches through the Vedic corpus and the Epics. It lets me search text patterns through the whole corpus, extract verses, cross reference it with translations and then create a text of Sanskrit verse with translations with clear citations. The inputs are text filters that can be combined to create excerpts on specific topics.

I did this partly to spend time on my morning commute to work but also because I wanted to research the old Sanskrit canon more. In the age of LLMs where the right kind of data is the real currency, I think textual analysis and research will be revolutionised with these tools. So, in that spirit, and armed with my script I curated a text with RV citations filtered on vṛtra​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ references and fed it to Claude 3.7, and after some prompting here is a great result. Be informed and enjoy!

Continue reading Indra – the dragon slayer

The Twitter Trap

I deleted Twitter. Not as a gimmick, but as a necessity.


I’m fasting and traveling, which makes March the perfect month to reset. Every year, this is when we rebase our Trans-Atlantic geography—shift locations, rethink habits, and take stock. The Bahá’í Fast has turned Naw-Rúz (Persian-Bahá’í New Year) into a household signifier—a time for reflection and goal-setting. September is the other critical point in the year, marking the start of the academic calendar, when the intellectual reset happens.

But even though I’m technically exempt from fasting while traveling, skipping it feels like cheating the day. There’s something about the discipline of fasting that forces a mental reset—one that I’ve realized Twitter was actively working against.

Politics, and the Return of Old Ideas

The Trump election caught me by surprise. Not in its inevitability, but in how much it reawakened political instincts I had in my youth—beliefs I had let atrophy in my petty bourgeois years of professional and marital stability. Ideas I thought I had outgrown came roaring back.

There’s something about this election cycle that feels like the politics of passionate young men mellowing in their 40s. J.D. Vance is four months older than me, and his transformation from progressive skeptic to ideological warriorreflects something deeper happening on the Right.

But back to my main topic—why I’ve left Twitter.

India at a Crossroads: Superpower or Spectator?

The Moment That Demands Clarity

Nivedita’s comment on my Yalta post sparked this discussion, and it’s refreshing to see Brown Pundits alive with debate again. Overnight, the blog saw 15+ comments—a sign that there’s still energy here, still an appetite for deeper discussion.

Like any good Dharmic construct, the blog incarnates multiple times. And right now, we’re living through an inflection point in history—one that demands clarity. I’ve only felt this politically awake a few times in my life:

9/11, which jolted me into awareness of global power politics.

Brexit, which shattered illusions about liberal internationalism.

Trump 2.0, where we are living through a period of extreme history. There’s no going back.

The West’s Political Reset & India’s Place in It

In the U.S., power dynamics are shifting. Gavin Newsom’s sudden cultural pivot to the right signals something bigger: the Democratic Party is recalibrating in real time. They see where the wind is blowing.

And let’s be blunt—white men are back. Not just in America, but across the West. Is this their last gasp of power, or a genuine ideological correction?

As Western politics enters a new phase of identity reassertion, the global order is shifting. India must decide whether it navigates this realignment passively or actively shapes its role.

The Global Chessboard: India Among the Five Great Powers Continue reading India at a Crossroads: Superpower or Spectator?

The Mirage of Exoticism & The Curse of the Almighty Dollar

I was drafting an email to the author of a fascinating piece on Terra Nullius, “Lost in Google Translation,” but as I fleshed out my thoughts, I realized I had more to say—so here we are.

There’s something fascinating about how Japan represents the pinnacle of exoticism for many Westerners. A country deeply integrated into the global system, yet still cloaked in an aura of mystery and cultural otherness. But when I think of places that feel genuinely distinct, my mind doesn’t go to Japan—it goes to the Persianate world.

Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan share a cultural continuum that, despite centuries of globalization, still retains an unmistakable distinctiveness. In many ways, these places remind me of Cuba, Venezuela, and North Korea—not in their governance, but in how they have remained insulated from Western homogenization.

Commodification vs. Authenticity Continue reading The Mirage of Exoticism & The Curse of the Almighty Dollar

“I’m not white, I’m Pakistani.”



She has strikingly European features—reminiscent of the last Tocharians. But what’s more interesting is how deeply assimilated Muslims in the English-speaking world are—everyone immediately understood the Daywalker joke.

Presumably, she’s Pathan (or mixed), and if she had been Afghan instead of Pakistani, she’d likely have actively identified as white. But in Pakistan, “whiteness” is too remote as a social identity to be meaningfully claimedUrdu writes like Dari/Farsi but speaks like Hindi, reinforcing its deep Desi-ness.

I once knew a Hindu Punjabi boy who looked entirely white—not even remotely South Asian. His entire social world reflected that. Whether we acknowledge it or not, racial presentation subtly shapes everything—from friendships to careers to dating.

Yalta vs. Helsinki – Sir Alex Younger and the New Global Intelligence Order

As I prepare to head back to the USA, it’s intriguing to be crossing the Atlantic at a time when the Special Relationship feels strained. This video offers key insights, and I wanted to share my thoughts on it.

The Battle Between Yalta and Helsinki, the Return of Intelligence-Led Warfare, and What It Means for the World

The world is in flux. The unipolar moment of U.S. dominance that followed the Cold War is over, replaced by a multipolar contest where power is contested, alliances shift, and intelligence warfare has overtaken traditional military confrontations. In this new era, Sir Alex Younger, former head of MI6 (2014-2020), argues that the most decisive battles will not be fought on the battlefield but in the realms of cyber warfare, disinformation, economic leverage, and intelligence operations.

At stake is nothing less than the future of the global order. Sir Alex frames the contest as a battle between two competing models:

1. The Yalta Model – Named after the 1945 conference where the world was divided into spheres of influence, this model promotes the idea that great powers dictate regional politics. Russia, China, and other revisionist states advocate this vision.

2. The Helsinki Model – Based on the 1975 Helsinki Accords, this vision defends national sovereignty, democracy, and a rules-based international order, championed by NATO, the EU, and Western democracies.

The Ukraine war is the most explicit manifestation of this ideological war—Russia seeks to reassert its sphere of influence, while the West’s military, economic, and intelligence support to Kyiv is meant to preserve a rules-based world order. But this is only one front in a much larger, more complex intelligence-driven geopolitical war.

Continue reading Yalta vs. Helsinki – Sir Alex Younger and the New Global Intelligence Order

Modi’s Sufi Gambit: Is Hindu India the True Heir to Urdu Culture?

I’m deeply impressed by Prime Minister Modi’s patronage of Jahan-e-Khusrau, a festival celebrating the syncretic and refined traditions of Urdu culture. Given the backdrop of Babri Masjid’s destruction and the Gujarat riots, both of which left lasting scars, Modi the Wise’s pivot towards fostering a secular, aesthetic Urdu culture is both unexpected and strategic.

In doing so, Hindu-defined India may be poised to accomplish for Urdu culture what the Pahlavis did for Persian—modernizing it, making it sophisticated and aspirational, and removing the excesses of exclusivist religious overtones.

If Pakistan has long seen itself as the custodian of Urdu, Modi is now positioning India as its true inheritor—one that can mainstream it, integrate it, and make it a cultural powerhouse beyond sectarian confines.

How precision farming in Rajasthan’s desert is turning farmers into millionaires

In the vast aridity of Rajasthan, winter brings relief from the scorching heat, but also an eerie stillness. Life here moves to the rhythm of sand and shrub.

On early mornings of late December, Jaipur, like any large city in north India, quivers in a silvery film of pollution. As you drive past the city’s last high-rises and elevated roads, the atmosphere is an emulsion of dust and smoke. Every movement lifts the earth into the air.

Dawn comes, but not day. The dim, silver sun in an aluminum sky offers little heat or light. The fields are a naked beige after the monsoon groundnut crop has been dug up. The first green shoots of winter wheat and bajra have barely broken through the soil.

In a census of lifeforms here, trees would be an inconsequential minority. Among the trees, neem and khejri (also known as shami in most of north India and vanni, banni and jammi in the south) dominate. When I say dominate, they average two-or-three an acre.

The shami is considered a symbol of kshatriya valour. Legend says the Pandavas hid their weapons in a shami tree. Now, these trees, pruned and sheared for the season, resemble charred limbs raised in silent prayer. By summer, the khejri would yield nutritious pods called sangri used in the Rajasthani dish ker-sangri.

A wonder in the desert

Once we reach Gurha Kumawatan, a village 40km to the west of Jaipur, the transformation is startling. The fields are suddenly green and scurry with life. The raw sting of the air carries the red-wattled lapwings’ shrill and quirky ‘did-he-do-it’ call.  Towering above the farmland, giant semi-circular enclosures—like Amazon warehouses—dot the landscape.

These are polyhouses, industrial-scale farms that allow farmers to produce up to ten times more food than in open fields. Using a technique called protected farming, they require only a fraction of the water, fertilizers, and chemicals needed in traditional agriculture even on poor soil and climate that’s oppressively extreme.

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