14 Years of Brown Pundits: A Journey of Growth, Transformation, and Reflection

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It’s hard to believe that it’s been 14 years since Brown Pundits was founded. I can still recall the exact moment it all began—during Twixmas’10, that quiet week between Christmas and New Year’s when the world seems to pause. Things were slow, but intellectually, it was a time of fervent excitement. I remember the many stimulating conversations on either GNXP or Razib’s Discovery site about South Asia. That’s where it all started.

I had just turned 26, and Razib was about to become a father. At the time, I couldn’t have known how much my life would change, nor could I have foreseen the transformations I’d undergo in the years ahead.

A week earlier (on my birthday), I met Dr. V at a work event, and in the blink of an eye (the following Cheti Chand, but that date was entirely a coincidence since we had agreed to meet at Holborn), over coffee, I mentioned that I’d marry her come what may, as my way of asking her out. At that point, I was deeply immersed in my British Pakistani Bahá’í identity, thriving in my single London bobo life.

Dr. V’s presence reshaped my world in profound ways, and I am grateful for the changes it brought. In many ways, I hardly recognize the person I’ve become, but it feels so right—this was the man I was always meant to be. Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.

Fourteen years ago, India was an unfamiliar and distant dream. Today, as I write this post from Chennai, which alongside the twin Cambridges (UK & US), makes up “home”, it’s remarkable how far I’ve come. The personal transformation has been profound. My perspective has shifted from one of self-centeredness to one enriched by compassion, purpose and a fundamental appreciation of the central of Indian civilisation (my Art business and my newsletter is named after Brahma).

And here we are—Brown Pundits has weathered the storm, and so has the world. In these 14 years, we’ve seen the rise of Trump, Elon Musk, the explosion of social media, and major shifts in global dynamics. The world is vastly different, but one thing remains constant: Brown Pundits continues to be a beacon for nuanced conversation.

In the meanwhile I’ve been busy incubating businesses and startups. However, I’ve always understood Brown Pundits’ importance, and I’m grateful for its existence. Its evolution mirrors the dynamic, fast-changing world around it. Whether we were riding waves of energetic discussions, or resting in dormancy, the site’s commitment to thoughtful discourse has remained unwavering. It has stood as a platform where conversations on South Asia, identity, politics, and culture could thrive in a space that was both intellectually stimulating and inclusive.

14 is an auspicious number in Hindu mythology, symbolizing the return of Lord Ram. I’ve always found meaning in it—it follows the number 13, yet carries a sense of renewal and new beginnings. Much like Brown Pundits, it’s a moment of celebration but also a look to the future, a fresh chapter.

As we mark this 14-year milestone, I wish only the best for Brown Pundits and its future. The work we’ve done, the conversations we’ve sparked, and the community we’ve built are invaluable. We’ve come so far, but there’s still so much more to do to expand the conversation on what it means to be Brown & India’s growing place in the world.

The journey definitely doesn’t end here.

Attached below is Sir Sooty’s Christmas speech— I’ll try find his Yalda speech, a bit longer but equally quirky, like so many things this “silly season”. Speechifying in a way tends to make milestones a lot more solid and “present.”

Here’s to 14 years of growth, transformation, and to many more to come.

Brown Pundits