Why did so many BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) voted Tory?


Another amazing podcast from Veedu Vidz–heartthrob of England. {Sisters, he is already owned by Mimzy and unavailable. Sorry.}

Start watching from 25 minutes in. Some take-aways:

  • Chinese earn the most per hour of any group in Britain.
  • Indians earn the second most of any group in Britain. {Chinese continue to economically outperform Indians globally and in Britain.}
    • Do Chinese and Indians really earn more per hour than English Jews? I am skeptical. What is beyond all doubt is that British caucasians are massively academically and socio-economically under performing Jews, Chinese and Indians.
  • The sample sizes for Chinese and Indian Britons is too small to know how they voted for certain. But it is possible that Chinese, Indian, Sikh Buddhist Hindu and moderate muslim Indians voted against Jeremy Corbyn in part because of Corbyn’s close alliance with conservative Sunni and Islamist groups.
  • Before 2019, Pakistani and Bangladeshi Britons  use to heavily vote for Jeremy Corbyn and Labour.
    • Brown Pundit favorite Sajid Javid has received a lot of abuse for being a muslim Tory.
  • Tory Priti Patel (who I just heard about for the first time) has also received a lot of abuse.
    • (Is part of the English anger at Priti Patel jealousy over the socio-economic success of Indians? Given how many Indian Britons vote Tory, how can it be because of that?)
    • Priti Patel wants a point based (merit based) immigration system. (Why is this controversial among caucasian English people?)
  • There is a great deal of diversity among the British muslim population
  • Veedu Vidz says that Boris Johnson is anti everyone who is not Boris Johnson.
  • 38 minutes in discusses deep anti Jewish bigotry on the part of English caucasians, the Labour party and Jeremy Corbyn.
    • comes from the far left
    • comes from the far right
    • need to focus a lot more on muslim anti Jewish bigotry
  • 43 minutes in, many working class caucasian and BAME voters probably are voting Tory in part because they are so scared of being accused of racism by their representatives for asking questions.
  • 46 minutes in, Labour has lost its moral legitimacy on racism, bigotry and sectarianism. Labour and the BMP are the only two parties in English history to be investigated by the Equality and Human Rights commission for misconduct.
  • 58 minutes in, many poor and working class caucasian britons have suffered from globalization and have no privilege at all. Labour should stop accusing them of having non-existent privilege.
  • 60 minutes, many Labour try to blame the world’s social ills on Britain. (I am stunned that this still happens. England has been falling apart for generations and is in many ways more backwards than many of her former colonies. Talk about delusions of grandeur.)
  • 63 minutes in Veedu asks if Hindus have an advantage over muslims in Britain.

My questions:

  • I get why many Britons felt they could not vote for Corbyn and Labour. Why didn’t more vote Liberal Democrat?
  • Can anyone send me an exit poll with granular detail on 2019 UK voting patterns?


Update 1:

Maajid Nawaz Gob-smacks Corbyn and says Corbyn beat Corbyn.



Update 2:

Katie Hopkins is a Member of the Tory party and is trying hard to create an alliance between the UK and India (and presumably the Dharmic world more generally). The alliance would focus on resisting:

  • Globalism (which she mostly defines as post modernist wokeness, perhaps combined with pro business free markets to a lesser degree)
  • Islamism
  • Feminism (by which I think she means third wave woke post modernist intersectional femnism)

To simplify, I think she mostly means post modernism and Islamism. She appears to think the Europe will divide into Islamist hamlets and non Islamist hamlets. And that Europe and the world as a whole needs India’s and America’s help to survive.

Could the UK government pursue an alliance with India focused on post modernism and Islamism? Could this end any remaining Indian sensitivity about being colonized by the UK? Is this being facilitated by Indian Britons and perhaps muslim Indian Britons leaving the Labour party?

Sham Sharma has speculated that Indian Americans could wholesale flip to the Republican Party similar to the flip of Indian Britons between 2017 and 2019? Could this really happen?


Update 3:


It is possible that British Asian, African, ethnic minority, poor and lower middle class European ancestry voters were scared about anti Jewish bigotry:


As a side note, the UK has very different issues than the USA. For example UK students perform far better in math than Americans. 13% scored 5 or higher in the 2018 OECD PISA test, compared to 8% of Americans.  Immigrants appear to slightly academically underperform non-immigrant Brits across reading, science and math, although mathematical performance  was not provided. The definition of “disadvantaged students” in the report was unclear.  Between 2009 and 2018 the number of immigrant students has risen from 11% to 20%. One third of immigrant students are “disadvantaged students.” Math results for England have been rising over time and girls sharply outscored boys in mathematics, science and reading.


Update 4:

According to Nimco Ali (patriotic Briton who happens to have Somali muslim ancestry) most African Britons vote Tory. She is a leading campaigner against female genetic mutilation and says that Tory leaders, Tory moderate muslims and Tory Indians (Priti Patel ) are backing her. Nimco also fights for muslim woman to have the right not to wear the hijab, and again says that she gets support from many Tory leaders, Tory moderate muslims and Tory Indians (Priti Patel ). She is very aspirational. She says that in Britain the aspirational BAME are African Britons and Indian Britons. Both back the Tories. The less aspirational Britons are Pakistanis and they tend to support Labour and Jeremy Corbyn. I am guessing that Bangladeshis are in the middle.

I wonder why more African Britons don’t vote Liberal Democrat. My main man Maajid Nawaz is Liberal Democrat. I get why African Britons don’t like Jeremy Corbyn.

Nimco Ali says that Briton has recently prosecuted several muslim Britons for female genetic mutilation of children. Until recently no Briton was prosecuted for female genetic mutilation. About a tenth of mothers giving birth to children in many British hospitals have had FGM. Kudos to Boris Johnson, Brown Pundit favorite Sajid Javid, Priti Patel and other Britons for trying to end FGM!

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5 years ago

Pretty sure Indians earn more per hour than Chinese, but Chinese get more A-levels than Indians iirc.

5 years ago

Indians dat dere rich in the USA with that patel motel sense, south Indian tech startups, Punjabi plantations, and Brahmin academics

5 years ago
Reply to  AnAn

It’s okay. I am helping change that 😉

5 years ago
Reply to  AnAn

I am helping change that 😉

Also 2nd gen in general doing better. We lifting heavy and looking more aesthetic. And we also still got det doctor status. Gains all around

May the sky father smile upon you. May the river mother bless you. Jai Shree Ameen. May you evade the CAB

H.M. Brough
H.M. Brough
5 years ago
Reply to  thewarlock

We got dat dere celltech…

5 years ago
Reply to  H.M. Brough

wut? I know basically no Indians who use gear recreationally. That’s more of guido subculture

5 years ago

What is beyond all doubt is that British caucasians are massively academically and socio-economically under performing Jews, Chinese and Indians.”

Since the seventies, mainstream Anglosphere culture has devalued education and achievement. Jewish, Chinese and Indian subcultures however, still encourage academics.

Razib Khan
5 years ago

british whites don’t use the word ‘caucasian.’ it’s like saying ‘african american british’

Razib Khan
5 years ago

Why did so many BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) voted Tory?

all that matters the exits. are they out?

it seems class+antisemitism. indians are more tory than pak/bang (richer), and jews have gotten fed up with labour tolerance for antisemitic elements in the guise of antizionism (you can argue whether jews are on solid ground, just how they feel).

5 years ago
Reply to  Razib Khan

Conservative Jews don’t care about antisemitism, they just hate the left because the latter criticizes the Israeli occupation. There are dramatically more antisemitic figures and incidents from Western conservative parties, but since these parties support Israel, conservative Jews keep their mouths shut.

Also, regarding anti-Zionism, you are behind the ball. The stance from conservative Jews in both Europe and the US that they have been officially pushing for a decade now, is that anti-zionism by definition is antisemitism.

Razib Khan
5 years ago

the term “BAME” like “PoC” annoys me. not all nonwhite ppl are one class. it’s a convergence of racism & progressivism.

Razib Khan
5 years ago

There are dramatically more antisemitic figures and incidents from Western conservative parties, but since these parties support Israel, conservative Jews keep their mouths shut.

what fuck are you talking about? you need to stop mouth-farting sometimes. i know it makes you feel good and releases pressure but you are getting gibberishy. though i get you enjoy being a troll. unless you are totally a moron or in total bad-faith you have to know that a low level of antisemitism is normative with the muslim communities of the west, analogous to antimuslimism among western hindus (curious if you will straight lie about this).

to distinguish kabir and you, i think in general he sounds stupid. i think he’s on the whole less intelligent than you. i think you just enjoy the troll game. you’re like the web 2.0 version of ikram.

the jewish population in the UK is highly structured. you probably don’t know that cuz you don’t know much from what i have seen, but generalizing is not super informative beyond this election. the frum will stay tory. the rest probably depends on how much islam is the labour party religion at prayer in the near future (though post-jewish ppl of jewish origin [in part] will have no issues with left not sure they’ll show up as ‘jews’ on surveys).

5 years ago
Reply to  AnAn

I hope someone steals your land and settles themselves upon it. Then we’ll see if you talk about having “one heart and soul” with your Occupier.

Not surprising that the Hindutvadi Modi supporter is so pro Zionist. After all both groups hate Muslims (or in your case just “conservative Sunnis”)

Razib Khan
5 years ago
Reply to  Kabir

I hope someone steals your land and settles themselves upon it.

don’t you have american citizenship or something?

5 years ago
Reply to  Razib Khan

Legal immigration is different from settler colonialism and Occupation as you well know. My family did not steal land from native-born Americans or render them stateless.

I find this notion that Palestinians and Zionists have “one heart and soul” to be ridiculous and offensive. A cursory look at a map of Palestine in 1947, 1967 and today shows that the Palestinians have lost almost all their territory while the Zionists have continued to steal it. All in the service of a settler-colonial ideology that claims that a certain people are entitled to the land because of their religion. “A land without a people for a people without a land” was literally the slogan which is so obviously colonialist that no decent person should be able to argue otherwise.

5 years ago

This desi guy’s observations on the recent British elections have a lot of applicability to the US – https://twitter.com/lukepagarani/status/1205487970897342464?s=12&fbclid=IwAR0sD6vqf3yKvbWbQayVHlrIhFf9Ax_vXY2Nwq94JDQlDFLQjYCJQegfRak

5 years ago

The big win for BoJo is a essentially a English blow back against immigration and security. i.e. chavs vs liberals and immigrant Brits. The latest knifing may be factor for voting pattern.

Much like what happened in Sri Lanka, US and India.

Many of English, 80% of England, voted across party lines to take back their country, i.e leave the EU and against immigration*.
Very obvious, the heavily immigrant areas like London went to Labor (red).

This is the Nationalist trend in the US (Trump wins flyover country), India (Modi wins the cow belt), Sri Lanka (Gotabaya wins the Sinhala areas).
The majority is crossing traditional party lines to vote for majority ethos.

*Immigration, Black brown or White (Eastern Europe.

5 years ago
Reply to  sbarrkum

“This is the Nationalist trend in the US (Trump wins flyover country), India (Modi wins the cow belt), Sri Lanka (Gotabaya wins the Sinhala areas).”

Interesting that you compared Gotabaya and Modi there. Just like how Gotabaya won Sinalese areas, do you mean to say Modi won “Hindu” areas.

5 years ago
Reply to  Saurav

Interesting that you compared Gotabaya and Modi there. Just like how Gotabaya won Sinalese areas, do you mean to say Modi won “Hindu” areas.

I said Modi won the “cow belt”, i.e. Hindi speaking Hindus. I gather the the Tamil Hindus did not vote for Modi.

Modi made some words about 13A amendment, forced down Sri Lankas throat by Rajiv Gandhi in 1987. It is about devolution, mostly for Tamil areas. Gotabaya in an interview, pretty much said not on my watch. I dont think Modi gives a damn, Tamils did not vote for him.

5 years ago
Reply to  sbarrkum

How is Modi (with his generic antipathy towards tamils) looked upon among the Sinhalese?

Better than Congress and Nehru dynasty (along with their tamil ally DMK) or the same old “Indians are invading our island” view persist?

5 years ago
Reply to  Saurav

How is Modi (with his generic antipathy towards Tamils) looked upon among the Sinhalese?
I dont think most (rural) Sinhalese realize that Modi is not all that all with the Tamils. Then again I am in an area of the least educated, i.e. not even a newspaper for sale. I think the young get news on FB etc.

“Indians are invading our island” view persist?
Thats not going to go away.
Keywords like 13A, i.e. devolution thats a Trojan Horse for Indians (i.e. Tamils to invade the country). Luckily Gotabaya categorically said not on my watch.

The big hero these days is Aung San Suu Kyi (in Sinhalese press) for defending Myanmar.

Razib Khan
5 years ago

anan, i don’t know why you spend so much words on this. indians are middle class. so natural tory. a lot of indian muslims are ismaili or kenyan/uganda indians. outside of woke-twitter bubble i assume no one believes tories are nazi.

the anti-zionist & socialist stance of labour will naturally attract muslims who are against israel in the abstract, and definitely poorer.

5 years ago
Reply to  AnAn

Labour all the way. I am a good leftist and hope that I will always be one.

In a two-party system a vote for Liberal Democrats is basically handing victory to Tories.

5 years ago
Reply to  AnAn

As I said, voting Liberal Democrat only helps the Tories.
I don’t know enough about Maajid Nawaz to have an opinion either way.

Ali Choudhury
Ali Choudhury
5 years ago
Reply to  AnAn

Amongst the UK Muslims I know, Maajid Nawaz is widely regarded as a clown. He was idiotic enough to join an extremist outfit in his youth. He then transitioned into lecturing Muslims on their need to reform Islam and counter extremists while having minimal knowledge about the religion and not being a practicing Muslim himself. He exacerbates that by posing as an expert to clueless right-wing think-tankers and their followers in government. He doesn’t know anything, this is the career he has stumbled into.

5 years ago

Corbyn is a straight up anti Semite. No two ways about it.

He and his cult of the unhinged London hipsters have totally screwed the Parliamentary Labour Party and it is unclear whether Labour can recover from this infestation to actually win elections (as opposed to “winning” arguments on blogs and twitter).

In any case, who cares. I’d vote Tory anyway whom I find rather centrist and generally sensible on economy.

PS: As always the impotent heartburn about Israel is fun to watch. Am Yisrael Chai.

Razib Khan
5 years ago

i don’t think corbyn is an antisemite. i just think he thinks that a bit of antisemitism to go along with antizionism might be something u have to tolerate to have solidarity with third world ppl or whatever.

Labour can recover from this infestation to actually win elections


5 years ago
Reply to  AnAn

“Palestine Israel Friends Forever”

You have some strange ideas about friendship. Would you be friends with someone who kicks you out of your house and moves in themselves? That is what you are asking of Palestinians.

People need to choose between supporting the oppressor or the oppressed. Leftists always support the oppressed while rightists seem to favor the oppressor hence the right-wing support for Zionism.

5 years ago
Reply to  AnAn

Don’t be disingenuous and pretend you don’t know what left-wing and right-wing politics are or what Zionism is. A simple Google search can tell you the commonly accepted meanings of these terms.

It’s not possible to “love” both the oppressed and the oppressor. Those who claim to be neutral are by default on the side of the oppressor.

In the specific context of Israel-Palestine, a settler-colonial state is ruling over a population that are not its citizens. This state is settling its own people on land that belongs to the Occupied–land that the entire rest of the world agrees is not Israeli. Leftists stand with the Palestinian people and argue that either there should be two states(which requires the settlers to leave the West Bank) or that there should be one state between the Jordan and the Mediterranean. This one state then has to be secular and democratic with equal rights for all and cannot by definition be Jewish or give Jewish citizens greater rights than non-Jewish ones.

Rightists admire the muscular nationalism of the Israeli state. This is especially the case with Hindutvadis who see Muslims as the common enemy they share with Zionists and only wish that they could do to Kashmiri Muslims would Israel does to Palestinians.

5 years ago
Reply to  Razib Khan

i just think he thinks that a bit of antisemitism to go along with antizionism might be something u have to tolerate to have solidarity with third world ppl or whatever.

Assuming, what you say is correct, Corbyn does not know to crunch the numbers. England is still 80% English.
Anti semitism or pro I dont think is a big issue for the English, specially the working class.

However, Corbyns stance on war crime investigations for British Troops was probably a bigger factor among the English population. Liberal ideas aside, thats political suicide at the very least among the English population.

The previous govt in Sri Lanka, specially Ranil Wickremasinghe the PM and Mangala Samaraweera* Foreign minister co sponsored a UNHRC resolution to investigate War Crimes in Sri Lanka.

No wonder, the Sinhalese (much like the English) crossed traditional party lines to get a huge Presidential Majority.

*More details on Mangala if interested.


Ali Choudhury
Ali Choudhury
5 years ago

Here is a good source for more data on how the vote broke down: https://lordashcroftpolls.com/2019/12/how-britain-voted-and-why-my-2019-general-election-post-vote-poll/

The Lib Dems went with a policy that would have cancelled the 2016 Brexit referendum which was seen as being undemocratic. Their leader Jo Swinson had very low popularity. And plenty of voters who may have been tempted to go Lib Dem disliked the prospect of a Corbyn government enough to vote Tory.

There aren’t enough Indians in the UK for there to be much resentment against them, the native British people they compete with for jobs, university places etc. regard racism as declasse and make sure they keep elite jobs with people like them anyway.

Priti Patel gets hate mail in part because she is seen as a rather vicious right-winger. Obviously the rest is due to her being brown, Tory and a woman. An Australian style points system for immigration has its critics because of the belief it would lead to labour shortages in sectors like construction, nursing, elderly care, agriculture etc. and discriminate against the poor.

Brown Pundits