Browncast Episode 68, Conversation with Pratik Chougule

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This episode we talked to  Pratik Chougle, a conservative and a proud globalist. From being on Trump’s policy team, Chougle has become a critic and envisions a future conservatism sharply at odds with parochial nationalism.

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H.M. Brough
H.M. Brough
5 years ago

A globalist that’s not on the Left…interesting.

I guess the other example I can think of is our own Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, an accomplished diplomat who speaks ~8 languages and has a half-Japanese family. To the surprise of many, the BJP chose him as our MEA.

5 years ago
Reply to  H.M. Brough

Was reading somewhere the whole point of appointing Jaishankar was for the Kashmir issue and its fallout, the BJP needed a specialist on the ball. The BJP wanted to move on Kashmir before 2019 election (so as to generate electoral benefits from it) , but Pulwama happened which made them change their plans.

5 years ago

A globalist that’s not on the Left

Globalism has nothing to do with Left and Right, conventionally pictured. Libertarian types like me are globalist to various extents. The pre-Trump Republican establishment could also be broadly classified under “globalist”. On the other hand, the Old Left, or the Labor Left, has been quite anti-globalist. Sanders and Warren are sort-of in this camp, I think.

Anyone who likes the idea of relatively easy migration across international borders, and freer trade between countries even at the cost of hurting certain industrial and labor sectors within their countries can be considered “globalist”.

Brown Pundits