Brown down under

This Land Is a Sanctuary for Aboriginal Women. Bulldozers May Soon Come:

Mr. Djab Mara greeted them by burning cherry ballart leaves to cleanse their spirits. Then his partner, Ms. Mahomet, an Arrernte woman, invited the young visitors to view the same tree Ms. Jakobi had unknowingly driven by all her life.

The Arrernte are a group which occupies the center of Australia. How’d she get the name “Mahomet.” I’m 99% sure I know, Afghan cameleers in Australia:

A fourth-generation descendant of a Baluch cameleer who settled in Geraldton, Western Australia, set up a sheep station and married an Aboriginal woman, is proud of her heritage on both sides. She says that it was difficult for her ancestor to acquire permanent residence and permission to marry, but the Afghans were honourable men who preferred to marry rather than rape local women.

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5 years ago

Isn’t this kind of how the IVC got started as well ? 😉

5 years ago

“The Afghans were honourable men who preferred to marry rather than rape local women.”
As opposed to…?

5 years ago
Reply to  Razib Khan

I find this hard to believe. Doesn’t our DNA carry a strong repulsion to prevent these things? Did someone make this up?


5 years ago
Reply to  AnAn

“…DNA carry a strong repulsion to prevent these things”

LOL. This is right up there with the “female body shutting that whole thing down in case of a legitimate rape”.

5 years ago
Reply to  Razib Khan

Sounds about as strange as the Sawney Bean story.

Milan Todorovic
Milan Todorovic
5 years ago

As a member of the European indigenous community I always express my solidarity with indigenous people from all other continents. Especially, because some descendants of Aryan migrants, the tribe Belići (= Whites), which gave the name to Baluchistan (=the place where Belići live) also contributed to making foundations of life in Australia. There are still some cameleers in Australian outback, close to the Uluru – Red Centre, who organize annual camel races. New highway and railway connect now south and north of Australia through the desert but cameleers pioneers have not been forgotten:

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Mitchell Porter
Mitchell Porter
5 years ago

Very probably true in this case. One historian writes that descendants of the Arrernte have “occasionally” adopted names of “Afghan cameleers of the 1870’s-1920’s”, and a few sentences later refers to an Alice Springs resident called Iris Mahomet.

Brown Pundits