Brown Pundits Browncast episode 52: Sahil Handa, National Review intern and cosmopolitan conservative

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On this episode, we talk about cosmopolitan conservatism with Sahil Handa, a writer at National Review. Sahil is a student at Harvard. As such, I had assumed he was American before he got on the call…but it turns out he is from the suburbs north of London! His father is a Punjabi from Kenya, while his mother is a Sindhi from Gujarat.

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5 years ago

Dirty Harry” A man’s got to know his limitations.” Some people have a knack for interviews.

Santosh Rajan
Santosh Rajan
5 years ago

Hi Razib,

I could not get through to you regarding your gnxp problem. Hence posting here.

Regarding your problem with your website ( I am a software engineer). I analysed your site and found this conclusion.
1) Your are hosted on dreamhost.
2) You have chosen to host wordress on dreamhost.
3) Between them and your needs, configuration problems are too difficult to handle the problem, unless your are a software engineer or hire one (I am not available for hire, so just giving advice).

The best bet for you is to move this to medium or blogger.

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