The Belgian neutrality is over; India’s next steps on Kashmir

Jesus Christ- just wow.

The Fifth column speaks:

The only winner in all of this is of course China. Finally a sensible commentator on Twitter:

India should cede the Muslim part of Kashmir but then accept that TNT is the “correct ideology” for South Asia.

Whereupon it should administer loyalty oaths to its entire Muslim population (the oath should be in such a manner than no practising Muslim can actually accept so should include some Hindu deities). 100million Muslims cross the border to Pakistan & Bangladesh; India will be left with the Khans the glamorous types of Muslims.

India can then look forward to beating China becoming a first world country. Indians must accept that they have lost the wings of India permanently (thankfully the South was saved by  the Vijaynagar dynasty) but instead embrace it’s Hindu Civilisational identity.

Modi has unfortunately lost the election with this humiliation; India will enter a period of darkness with Congress and the Italians. Hopefully the Hindu Right will evolve a new leader that can understand how the Nehruvian settlement is India’s true enemy.

Without Nehru; India would have been at 12,000 per capita, 95% Hindu and a prosperous autocracy.

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Milan Todorovic
Milan Todorovic
6 years ago

Cassandra: Chinese prescription for CoHP (Consumers of Hewlett-Packard)!

6 years ago

“India should cede the Muslim part of Kashmir”

To who Pakistan or the Kashmiri Muslims?

“Whereupon it should administer loyalty oaths to its entire Muslim population (the oath should be in such a manner than no practising Muslim can actually accept so should include some Hindu deities). 100million Muslims cross the border to Pakistan & Bangladesh.”

That would require another partition type bloodbath and ethnic cleansing. Indian Muslims are too important a vote bank to completely ignore or side line. Their settlements are also scattered throughout India. Are you being serious or joking?

6 years ago

Ok I see your point. Generally Muslims will always be a fifth column in kuffar countries, with their loyalty to the ummah not the state (UK is suffering with that problem right now). Especially now with the global awakening of Islamic fundamentalism post 9/11. Still I find your suggestion impractical.

6 years ago
Reply to  Karan

Karan, muslims are often fiercely patriotic to their non muslim majority countries.

6 years ago

LOL. You are getting a tad too worried about India. As i have said earlier, nationalism/war is not a major factor in Indian elections. You might win a war (Kargil 99) and still lose votes and you can do zilch (Mumbai 2008 attacks) and still go on and win a election.

6 years ago

The stakes are getting higher by the hour. Seems like the most current and relevant thread to post this from the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists: nuclear war in South Asia could still end up causing enough of a mini nuclear winter to wipe out a billion.

longer article here:

I’d stress that the article is estimating what happens if ~ 100 warheads of 15 kiltoton yield (Hiroshima sized) are used. Pakistan’s Uranium bomb based arsenal and could have up to 140 operational warheads of approximately 10-50 kt yield. India have about 130-140 warheads, but but these are plutonium based and are much more powerful. Bombs will have yields approaching megatons for the larger variants.

To put some of these numbers into perspective, one would need to drop about a dozen 20kt bombs to wipe out a city the size of Mumbai. If you have access to megaton yields, then only one or two bombs would effect the same damage. You can morbidly play around for yourself here:

6 years ago

Ma Kasam, Direct Nuclear?

…and wait there is even a nuke map to play around as well! BRB dropping one on WOKE-land. Cant suffer them anymore.

6 years ago

Well TBH “100million Muslims cross the border to Pakistan & Bangladesh; ” would hardly be the “win” Pakistan is looking for here.

Parallel Universe
Parallel Universe
6 years ago
Reply to  Saurav

In Zack’s hypothetical scenario, how many Indian Muslims will migrate to Pakistan and Bangladesh? Yep, that loyalty oath with Hindu deities will surely get them : )

Reminds me of a trip to Calcutta airport many years ago. Our cab driver gave his name as Subroto and talked about the recently concluded pujo. My friend picked on his accent (?Sylhelti) and on some gentle prodding, he was soon smiling and admitted his real (B’deshi Muslim) name.

Will such a loyalty oath now send back several hundred thousand Bangladeshi migrants – many with Hindu names- back? Yep..even less so the Muslims of UP and Bihar, Kerala and Karnataka settled here for generations.

Must be the cuteness factor of a Pak-origin author suggesting fantastical scenarios that we are discussing this seriously ? which I doubt even outer fringes of Hindutva would suggest in India.

6 years ago

LOL, no one is sending anyone anywhere. But i think we surely are moving closer to the whole “accept that TNT is the “correct ideology” for South Asia.” any way, so i guess it wont even matter who ends up where.

Scorpion Eater
Scorpion Eater
6 years ago

Fantastical scenarios all. Administering oath to Muslims on Hindu deities. Hundreds of millions crossing borders…

Somebody is obviously smoking cheap, and possibly banned substances 🙂

Just when I thought the quality of this blog is improving, making it worthy of my comments, we get these gems.

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