Loki (or Odin) in Asgard

Just a thought re dignity of labor/music.

No question about IQ differences in gender and people. Then there is meritocracy and the sense of entitlement. i.e. We are smart and therefore we should/entitled to multiples of income to the less smart.

Many talk about gender equality in pay. What about less differentiation in pay between the skilled and labor intensive work and so called “high IQ” work.

Post Modernism (a)

This is a follow up to:

A much longer article on post modernism is planned. For now, please see Professor [Dr.] Stephen Hicks’s 153 minute summary of how post modernism emerged from European Enlightenment, Modernism, Kant, Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzche, Marx, the failure of Marx’s economic predictions 1800s to 1950s (about the gradual reduction in the number of middle class, rich people; and the stagnation of proletariat wages), the moral catastrophe created by Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev’s 1956 revelation of Stalin’s atrocities communist regime atrocities.

For the record Professor Hick’s acknowledged that his short summary is a very inadequate and incomplete summary of the foundations of post modernism. For example the roles of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Ferdinand de Saussure and Freud are not mentioned.

I would start watching 1 hour 17 minutes to 22 minutes. In the 1950s four bright very far left academics [Leotard, Foucault, Derrida, Rorty] tried to create a new left [also called post modernism] to revive the globally devastated leftist brand image.

Start watching again 1 hour 42 minutes in as Prof Hicks discusses the internal logical inconsistencies of post modernism. I would slightly modify the good professors’ arguments and summarize these inconsistencies as follows:

  • post modernists say all truth is relative yet imply their cultural ethnocentric view is true
  • all cultures are equally deserving of respect yet Eastern Arya culture and to a lesser degree western culture are especially destructive and bad
  • values are evil yet sexism, different perspectives on LBGTQ and racism are really evil
  • Technology is bad and destructive, yet it is unfair that some have more technology than others
  • Tolerance is good and dominance is bad, yet when in power political correctness (a lack of freedom of art, thought, intuition and feeling) dominates

Foucault is described 2 hours and 1 minutes in as a pro Maoist  socialist. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzche is described 2 hours 3 minutes in as in some ways the inspiration for post modernism. However if he were alive today he would likely be strongly opposed to post modernism’s celebration of victimization, slave or weakness mentality.

On the whole this is a very informative presentation on post modernism. You can also watch this video by Stephen Hicks (who many consider to be part of the intellectual dark web):


Dalits in Bangladesh

When I looked at the 1000 Genomes data five samples collected in Dhaka, did not align with the others. Most Bengalis are shifted away from other South Asians because of East Asian ancestry. These five individuals, in contrast, clustered with Tamil and Telegu Dalits. Importantly, their identification numbers indicate they were sampled at the same time.

This highlights the fact that a large community of Dalits live in Bangladesh, Dhaka Dalits push for anti-discrimination law:

A considerable number migrated into what is now Bangladesh between 1835 and 1940, during a British-sponsored urbanisation plan. They worked in jobs such as road sweeping, clearing sewage, shoe repair and tea harvesting. This historical legacy of working in low-paying, difficult jobs continues today.

The genetic data suggest to me that they are indeed descendents of migrants.

Brown Pundits