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7 years ago

It’s interesting to me that we give movies like Basmati Blues such a hard time, but we often give a free pass to, uh, more “distinguished” cultural outlets like the NYT, which nevertheless frequently deal in tired stereotypes and stilted coverage when it comes to the subcontinent. At least the homie Utkarsh is getting a paycheck out of this!

(needless to say this promises to be a terrible movie)

Razib Khan
7 years ago

why not wait until the movie is out? probably shitty as it took so long and only capitalizing on brie larson….

7 years ago

Vishal, I agree with your comment completely. What is the worse that can happen . . . a horribly boring incoherent movie is made. So what? The world has many more pressing challenges.

“I feel one of the severest costs of Partition has been that Pakistanis & Indians get slightly elated when the other country is humiliated.
It’s sad to see where we have come from a United Front in 1857 to now..”
100% agree with Zachary.

“why not wait until the movie is out? probably shitty as it took so long and only capitalizing on brie larson….” Ha Ha!

Brown Pundits